Nutrition is a very important part of our everyday lives. Before a person can have a diet that meets their needs for weight maintenance or weight lost, they have to first understand their nutritional needs. Deity plus was used to track my food intake from Sunday February 26 through Thursday March 2. This process showed me that I need to take steps to address my nutrition imbalance caused by not eat adequate amounts of asdkfajskf, adfkajsfkls,a sdfnalskfj and consume too much salt because continuing my current eating habits could lead to adverse health consequences later in the future. In this paper, I will discuss, the major problems in my current diet, ways to fix them, and barriers that I may encounter. Before reviewing my food …show more content…
This overconsumption may or may not be a problem since I am an athlete. There is an ongoing debate about whither athletes should be allowed to have more protein in their diet to help rebuild muscle after workouts. Current, my empty calorie intake is at 848.5, which is 319% of the recommended 266…This extra fat is being stored in my body as central and subcutaneous fat. ….On the other hand it is crystal clear the the consumption of too much salt is not good for the body. It can not only lead to hypertension, but could also cause electrolyte imbalance which leads to an area of other problems. My salt intake is at 3,210.31 mg. This is 214% of the recommended sodium intake of 1500 mg. The was even a red exclamation make located by this statistic to help draw my attention to it. Energy import and expenditure disbalance leading to weight gain…..Average calorie intake was 2081 and my average calorie expenditure was 1831. The difference between those two ( intake-expenditure) was an average net gain of 250 for the five days. The total calorie intake was 10403 and the total calorie expenditure was 9155, so the net gain over those five days was 1248. Intervention: reduce my salt intake by eating foods that are not as salty…. Educate myself on the average salt content of foods that are regular in my diet. Increase the variety of foods that I eat to include more vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Decrease protein consumption. Eat less energy dense foods. Myplate provided
Sodium: My 3 day average sodium intake value was 1831.68 mg, and it is higher than the DRI value of 1500.00 mg. Although over-consumed sodium (~ 3400 mg/day) can cause hypernatremia and hypertension, it posts a low risk for healthy people (Hammond, 2016d). I do not need to concern too much about the sodium intake, while I am more likely to reduce the consumption of canned
Sodium recommendations are set low enough to protect against high blood pressure, but high enough to allow adequate intake of other nutrients with a typical diet (Page. 379). The recommended adequate intake (AI) for sodium for someone my age and sex is 1500 mg a day (Page. 379). On day 1 of my 3 day analysis I consumed 1507.83 mg of sodium. On day 2 I consumed 1627.11 mg, and on day 3 I consumed 1632.12 mg of sodium. Summarily, during my three day analysis I was well with range of the recommended AI for sodium consumption.
Introduction Once I completed my 3-day analysis, I realized I didn’t eat a sufficient amount of food; I had nowhere near enough water, I hardly had fruits and vegetables, and I had fast food like Jimmy Johns and Taco Bell. After completing this assignment, I have tried my best to improve my eating habits by strengthening my weaknesses. In my final analysis, I will identify the strongest and the weakest points of my 3-day analysis, and what I have done and will do to improve my diet. Strengths
My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI’s recommendations; however, my caloric intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body’s metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze my personal dietary intake as a way of better understanding the ways in which the foods I consumer are helping or hurting my overall nutrition and health. This project is about understanding how consuming too much or too little of particular nutrients can be unhealthy and do harm to one 's body over time. Even more, this project is about dispelling some of the myths that are present about nutrient consumption in order to have a more scientific understanding of what is considered healthy in food and nutrient consumption.
From my food intake record, I can point out that I eat at least 1 cup of rice everyday, which contain 577 mg of sodium. Rice is part of the grains group, and I eat about 8 ounces per day when I should only be eating 6 ounces. Moreover, I eat bread everyday as well, which increases my intake of grains and sodium. These two foods are the main reason my levels of sodium are so high. In addition, I eat a good amount of black beans which represent 368 mg of sodium. Beans are part of the vegetable group and also count as protein intake. I also eat a variety of meat such as chicken, beef, pork and fish. I get some protein from these meats, and also a low percentage of saturated fat comes from these meat. Meat also provides sodium, which increases my sodium levels even more. I consume from 6 to 8 ounces of protein just from meat when I should be only consuming about 6 ounces of protein foods in total. I don’t consume a good amount of dairy products; I only drink a cup of milk a day; however, my intake should be 3 cups per day. On the other hand I don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables; I only eat about 1 cup of vegetables and 1 cup of fruits a day while the recommended amount is two cups of each everyday. I
1. Heart-Healthy diet- decreasing sodium intake, increasing fluids, and eating more fruits and vegetables and other high fiber-foods.
I have learned a lot from this two-day diet analysis assignment. In my two day assessment, I recorded my food intake, quantities, drinks, snacks, condiments, where and who I was with during the meal, the time of day, and the amount of time I spent eating. I was able to analyze my diet to examine what I was eating and what types of nutrients I was getting. I then compared all aspects with my recommended levels of nutrients for my dietary recommended intake. I learned that my eating habits are not the best and could lead to serious health problems in the future that may be detrimental.
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
When analyzing the comparison of the percentages intake of carbohydrates, the dietary recommended intake (DRI) in iprofile was 45-65%. The outcome of the three-day process displays that I am within an acceptable range of 57%. However, the foods that were part of the three-day diet consisted of various carbohydrates such as complex, simple, and fiber. Despite, that many people try to avoid or cut starches, they are vital to an individual health for several reasons. However, the body used carbohydrate as the primary source for providing energy, to protect against diseases, controlling weight, which all factors are important in a healthy diet (Mayo Clinic, 2016). An importance of carbohydrates in the diet, it can easily store in both the muscles and liver for future use and plays a role in the organs such as the kidneys, brain, and the heart for operating properly (Medline Plus, 2016).
• Eat a heart-healthy diet. Choose low-fat, low-sodium foods and eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Make sure you are avoiding simple carbohydrates and taking in healthy ones, such as healthy grains. Now is not the time to be snacking on your favorie salty food.
I had no idea that what I included in my diet was so important and provided a significant impact to my wellbeing. After doing the first part of this Analysis project, I was surprised to see the many areas that I can improve on. I created 3 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals to help me improve on receiving the right amount and variety of nutrients in my diet. My goals are to drink 8 glasses of water a day, have fruits and vegetables every meal adding to a total of about 4-6 cups, and to have a different breakfast every day. For 30 days, I attempted to implement daily each of my 3 goals.
My total calorie intake was under the recommended ranges for all three days. I believe I am fair on the balance of calorie consumption to each macronutrient. My diet is not perfect, but this project has helped me critique it to my advantage. On September 1st, I only got 39% of my calories from carbohydrates when I should get a minimum of 45%. Since I was under, my body was not getting enough nutrients to support the brain and nervous system. This means that my brain was not functioning to its full potential that day. Carbohydrates are necessary for energy, and without enough carbs, your body will have to feed off of protein - protein sparing action. The range for protein is 10-35% of your daily caloric intake and since I am active, 20-25% is ideal for my body to function off of. For all three days I hit the target ranges. Protein helps my body repair itself after a tough workout, and without adequate amounts of protein, my body won’t have necessary building blocks for enzyme and hormonal production. Out of all three days, my fat intake was higher than it should have been. All the extra fat I ate, turned into
It is very pleasing when you are assigned a project that allows examination in your daily life, and what and how you eat affects your body. The purpose of this analysis is to decide if my personal eating habits are aligned with the guidance of proper dietary needs of a person my age. There are five characteristics of a sound diet, which are, adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety. Through the use of, I have analyzed my diet for three days, and will explain how my diet is under, meets, or exceeds categories in the characteristics of a sound diet. I will use the information for a female that is thirty years old, 5’7 in height (170 cm), and one hundred and fifty pounds in weight as a basis for information.