
My Own Individual Troubles Of The United States Essay

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The United States has been plagued with many troubling issues, and this year, 2016, has only seemed to extrapolate these issues. From the exponential growth of economic inequality, to the structural avenues of privilege and hindrance imbedded in our country, these issues are only seeming to grow, not just in numbers, but also in severity. Unfortunately, 2017’s future does not look much better. With Donald Trump becoming our president elect, who knows what could happen when he steps into office. With his racist and bigot background, I can only imagine the injustices he will most likely commit and perpetuate. With so many pressing issues plaguing society, one’s individual troubles are often overlooked. In this paper, I intend to bring some of these issues to light, and to present some of my own individual troubles regarding my identity and how they are intertwined within these societal issues in our country. There are many issues revolving around gender in this country. Despite many efforts for gender equality, such as the proposed Equal Rights Amendment which fell three states short during ratification, gender inequality is still rampant. In a perfect world, everyone should be treated equally throughout society, not just at work, or any other policy-designated sphere, and should not be discriminated against because of their gender. Unfortunately, we are living in a far from perfect world were these idealistic views fall short. From the economic sphere, to basic

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