
My Passion For Music And The Music Industry

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I have always had a passion for music and the music industry, and my parents and I both knew that I was not going for school, unless it was for something music related. The music industry is such a broad category and there are so many moving parts within this sector. I chose music promotion for my career project, because it would allow me to go in and out of different departments within the music industry, along being able to work alongside creative individuals for artists. Pursuing a career in music promotion would allow me “to have my cake and eat it too,” so to speak.
Music has not only been my passion, but by main focus for at least the past ten years. I was always attracted to sound and music from as young as I could remember. I …show more content…

You do not need a specific degree or even a higher level of education in order to be successful in this industry. This industry, and a career in music promotion is all about networking, ambition, a tenacious attitude and a passion for your work. Unlike many other professions, the daily workload is not a fixed amount or even a fixed measure of time. There may be day where you are working from sun up to sun down, meeting other record executives or members, making phone calls left and right, or on the road traveling to your next event. But then, there might be some moments when your job is to solely make sure the artists you are managing are getting to their venues on time and meeting all the appropriate industry people. Although all of this can seem quiet fast pace and a bit chaotic, one of the many benefits of this career is the expectation that the artists you are promoting have of you. What do I mean by that? The artists actually expect you to hang out with them for the night after a big show, or even right before shows. These artists are always down to party, and they need a crew to have fun with, and as a music promoter, you are a part of this crew! There are not many other industries with this same expectation.
Like I mentioned earlier, a career in music promotion does not require a specific degree or level of certification, but that does

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