
My Personal Philosophies Of Human Relations

Better Essays

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a conceptual Models of my personal philosophies of human relations in education, I have been charged to show visual representations of my understanding of leadership that reflects knowledge of the issues and constructs studied in this course. My final model should highlight the various facets of leadership and human relations as I visualize it. . It is central that all educational social systems keep up with today’s fast transformations, while staying well-informed of contemporary fads, along with giving all children the educational fabrics they need in order to be successful. We as educators must begin to think strategically with mind blueprints by teaching, and using best practices in all …show more content…

The 1994 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) launched a prerequisite that each state set canons outlining what their students should understand and be capable of doing in core subjects and evaluate whether students were becoming proficient at those standards. Today, currently, as a result of these federal prerequisites, every state has in place a set of K–12 standards for essential subjects as well as an assessment system that measures growth toward math and literacy standards in grades 3–8 and once in high school. Conversely, the present ESEA does not ask states to study whether those standards are founded on proof of what students need to be successful in college and the workplace. Nor does the law ask that states’ standards build grade by grade toward college- and career-readiness. The result is that standards and assessments do not inform students, parents, or teachers whether students are on track toward college- and career readiness.
Low standards and inadequate academic preparation of high school graduates result in high costs for individuals and the nation. Among 2003–04 high school seniors who had enrolled in postsecondary education by 2006, 40 percent took remedial courses; in public two year colleges, the remediation was needed for 51 percent of their entering students (Statistics, 2010). The total cost of this remediation is $1.4 billion a year. Because remedial students are more likely to drop out of college,

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