
My Personal Statement On Teaching Philosophy

Decent Essays

Teaching Philosophy Why I Am Here… I am here to help my students become their best self. I am here to help my students in their education and to help them become better people and citizens. As a teacher, my goal is to help my students succeed in any way I can. I became a teacher because teaching gives me a chance to help kids grow and develop a love for learning, instead of a loathing for school. I want to be a teacher because I want to make a difference. I will make a positive impact on my student’s lives, and I will be someone that they trust and confide in. I am here for them. My Core Teaching Values… One of my core teaching values is that educational success comes from strong student teacher relationships. I cannot help my students achieve their full potential if I do not know them as a person. One way I plan on doing this is by having a meeting with the student and their parents at least once a quarter. In order for my students and their parents to fully trust my plan and I for them, I must develop a strong relationship with each one of them. Another teaching value that I have, is I must teach to all types of learners. Each of my lessons will have components that get my students up and moving for my kinesthetic learners. I will always have a video, picture, or PowerPoint to help my visual learners. Finally, I will always teach with sound either by me talking, or discussion to help my auditory learners. My final core teaching value is that I will work as long as I need

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