
My Philosophy As A Teacher

Decent Essays

Becoming a teacher is not always easy, but understanding my philosophy and where it comes from is something I value very much. Within this paper I will discuss the content, methodology, role of the learner, and the role of the educator and how my philosophy plays a role in each of these areas. Although, there are many different viewpoints, I would like to help others understand my own beliefs and attitude upon how history has shaped where things are today.
Let me begin with the content of what I believe should be taught within my learning environment. I believe that all questions should always be valued within a class room. When I was younger I was always afraid to ask a teacher a question due to the fact that they would make me feel belittled or dumb. No student should ever feel that kind of pressure from another person, let alone their own teacher. Every student is different in the way that their minds work, how they learn, and what tools they need in order to succeed in life. I would ensure that each student always received the full help they needed in order to grow to their fullest potential. I believe, certain pillars should be instilled to have a supporting system in order to help children grow. They need to understand about respect, honor, discipline, and how to implement leadership skills. I would emphasize that each student would ask questions, respect others, and keep an open and professional relationship with myself, while trying to understand each child’s needs.

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