
My Personality Test Scored Me At 56 % For Judging

Decent Essays

Judger The last part of my personality test scored me at 56% for judging. I am assessed as having “…a moderate preference for judging over perceiving.” Type talk at work says that Judgers “…prefer a lifestyle that is structured, scheduled and ordered.” Judgers want a life that is organized and controlled. I am guilty of being a judger. I do want everything to be orderly, controlled and organized. If the world were perfect, everything would be decisive and planned. I Worked at an airport during the last part of my previous career in municipal government. I found plans and order at airports do not go together very well at times in the chaos of air travel. I had the privilege of working three NFL Super Bowls from the airport side. The amount of airplanes and ground transportation needed to service the attendees and the teams can be overwhelming without proper planning and logistics. The flight arrivals and the ground transportation didn’t arrivals were 24 hour operation during Super Bowl week. Thanks to great team effort on the parties involved, we were able to confront every unplanned event and turn chaos back into order. Our team was also responsible for the arrival and departure arrangements for parking and ground transportation for events from taking care of children and parents with the Make a Wish Foundation, to Presidential visits as well as major music and sporting events. All events required planning and coordination with individuals and

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