
My Professional Code Of Ethics

Good Essays

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do” said Poher Stewart (Lindstrom, 2012). Public health professionals follow a code of ethics in order to better serve their community by respecting the rights and choice of the individual they are helping. In this paper, I will list my professional code of ethics as a healthcare professional and provide examples of how I apply it to better serve my community and the athletes individually. Introduction Public health ethics involves a systemic process to clarify, prioritize and justify possible courses of public health action based on ethical principles, values, and beliefs of stakeholders and scientific and other information (Powers and Faden, 2016). …show more content…

Below I have provided my personal code of ethics as an Athletic Trainer: 1. Responsibility for Patient Care- Patient comes first. It is my professional reps 2. Avoiding conflicts of interest- Not making decisions based on athletes status or persuasion of coaches or parents. 3. Responsibility of education-I am responsible to continue learning on different medical breakthroughs or techniques to better my professionally and provide better care for my patients. 4. Responsibility to the community- My services go beyond the student-athlete and I provide medical service and advice to parents, faculty, and maintenance staff. I am there to provide exceptional care to everyone who is a part of the school community. 5. Upholding property and laws- As an athletic trainer, we have to bid by the laws of the state, local, OSHA, and Illinois high school athletic association. My professional code of ethics allows me to thrive in my profession. I am respected not only by the community at the school, but outside the school with other healthcare professionals. Everyone injury is unique and everyone is different, which makes my job challenging yet exciting at the same time. The main goal for our athletes is to get them better by providing exceptional care. It’s not satisfactory to myself, but to my athletes when they are completely healed and back to playing the sport that they love.

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