
My Reflection On My Life

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I would like to think that through all trails and heartache I will always point my focus toward God, but I do not know what my future holds. No matter what is happening I want to understand that I have a friend, someone on my side, who wishes that I succeed and already has planned my life. Still, I always worry that when my life is no longer in a state of ease and only academic stress plagues my mind, I won’t find the same sunlit joy and steadfast love in God that I do when my life has minimal disturbance. While I have toyed with both physical and mental struggle in my past, and brushed the clutches of this world’s grasp, I look back at those days and think of them as blessings, as they brought me to a better understanding of, and more …show more content…

In fifth grade my fear of being trapped became too strong for me to handle on my own. I hated being stuck in a room full of people with no way out. Sitting in a chair at a desk may as well have been a jail sell to my ten year old self. I would do anything not to be imprisoned in a classroom with the evil teacher who plotted my mental demise into her detailed lesson plans each night. I had panic attacks at night when I looked at the school day which daunted my near future, and I would kick and cry in first terror, then rage as we pulled onto the black asphalt which reeked of freedoms death. Planning on being like every other child was worthless at this point. Through this time, though it seemed it would never end, I learned incredible values. I planned to never go to sleepovers like the typical ten-year-old, go on a date as was common for teenagers, or even go to college as the rest of the world did. While my plans were shattered, God’s plans were just beginning. Nonetheless, before He could make changes in my life, He had to teach me a lesson in my purpose on this earth. My purpose is not to follow my idea of how my life should go, rather it is to Glorify Him, do His will and remember I am His.
We are told in Genesis 1:27 that we are made in His great image, and reminded through Jesus in Luke 20: 24-25, that we are God’s and we owe Him ourselves for His work and His glory. When the Romans, and the Pharisees attempted to trap Jesus with the trick

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