
My Rudy Conscience

Decent Essays

I would definitely disagree with this statement because it's highly inaccurate to say Rudy lacked remorse over his actions, especially seeing how he reacted immediately after the murder, going into a panic over minuscule things.

"Suddenly he remembered that the purse and the things he had taken out of the old woman's box were still in his pockets! He had not thought till then of taking them out and hiding them!... The paper had come off the bottom of the wall and hung there in tatters. He began stuffing all the things into the hole under the paper: 'They're in! All out of sight, and the purse too!' he thought gleefully, getting up and gazing blankly at the hole which bulged out more than ever. Suddenly he shuddered all over with horror; 'My …show more content…

Ironically enough, it is in his quest to prove himself emotionless which reveals his moral compass.

To be forced into a tight position through one's own misguided actions isn't a new founded literary trope. It's appeared in novels before Crime and Punishment, and it continues to resurface long after. Rudy's position, in which he's turned himself more human than he'd ever care to admit, reminds me of Wicked's own good witch of the north and the wicked witch of the west.
All three characters- Rudy, Elphaba, and Glinda- are products of their own actions, which commonly led to backing themselves into a corner.
Glinda, in an effort to maintain her space created an intricate web of lies which indirectly led to her attendant's insanity. She had lied about needing to give 24 hour care to her attendant due to a make believe disease Glinda claimed the woman suffered from. She told this only to a single person, who later hexed Glinda's attendant's fake disease into reality to keep her quiet about a crime. Backed into a corner by her own ego, Glinda harmed someone to the extreme. When she realized this, Glinda's outlook upon the world, and her own narcissistic attitude, shifted

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