
My School Experience

Decent Essays

To say I enjoyed our field trip to Epic Elementary would be an understatement. I learned so much in those two hours, and I have found myself thinking about Epic a lot over the last week. Anytime I attend professional development, I try to take one idea away to try in my classroom. After leaving Epic on Wednesday, I couldn’t just pick one idea. There were so many valuable take-aways from this experience.
I have been to Jeni’s website multiple times this week. Wednesday when I got home I made a copy of her data tool and implemented it into my classroom on Friday. I’ve always struggled to track daily progress in math. We use an exceeded, mastered, progressing, and needed support scale in my district. I recoded the sheet the Jeni created in order to use that scale. It already makes me feel like I am keeping more accurate and up to date data on my students, and I know exactly where each of my students is for each standard.
Jeni also talked shortly about Reflex Math. I researched that website, and I think it would be a great addition to my classroom. In my classroom, during math when students are done with their assignment they have different options. I have struggled to find a good way to build fact fluency using the computer, but I think reflex math will be one solution to that problem. I applied for a one-year free trial, so hopefully I get it! That is something else I learned, as a teacher you can get a lot of free resources if you just ask.
Last year I received a couple of

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