
My Sibling-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Have you ever had that feeling?That feeling where your life changes so much at once you think you are dreaming?I have!It wasn’t just the first day of school ,or something either.It was the first time I saw my sister!

Ever since I could remember I wanted an “er” (that’s the word I used instead of sibling before I knew what sibling meant)being an only child I didn't have many kids to play with,which is one of the reasons I wanted a sibling.Little did I know I was actually going to get one.

After a couple of years of the topic of a sibling,my family finally tried to decide on the subject.My mom told me to go get a coin,and I got a dime we split into two teams.Me and my mom v.s my dad.My dad was the no team and me and my mom were the yes …show more content…

A couple of years later when I was in second grade my family just returned from a cruise,and my mom took a pregnacy test, causing us to figure out my mom was pregnant. A couple of months later my mom took me and my granny(she was visiting at the time)to this place that does baby related things including figuring out if you were going to have a boy or a girl.My mom did that and guess what!I was going to have a baby sister!Also they had these things called Heartbeat Bears which are stuffed animals that made a heartbeat sound recorded from your baby,two of those, a whale for me ,and a bunny for my sister.

Just three days before I was to go to third grade my family went to the hostpital.Today was the day my mom was going in labor!When we got there I was told to stay in the waiting room with my granny (she was visiting again).She went and bought some snacks from the snack machine while I sat down and read a book I brought.After what seemed like hours my dad came and brought us to my mom’s hospital room.On the way I saw doors that said something like”It’s a Boy!” or “It’s a Girl!”. I also smelled the smell of paint since there was some reconstruction nearby.When we arrived at my mom’s room there was a picture of a pink flower,a pink picture of an elephant on one table,pink streamers hanging from the ceiling,and balloons held by a pink balloon weight.My mom was holding the cutest thing I ever saw,my sister.After everyone giving presents to my mom and holding my sister It was my turn to hold her.She was so cute,her tiny little body was all red,her eyes were barely open,and she had this one strand of hair.The cutest thing was when her tiny little hand wrapped itself around my

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