
Personal Narrative : My Cruise Of Mexico

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My Cruise to Mexico We had been waiting for this trip for years. Every 5 years we go on a trip to someplace fun. When five years passed after our trip to disneyland we were all waiting to go on some other adventure. I had done this twice, but 2 things about our trip this year were special.
I had always, always, always, always, wanted an little brother. If I could have one thing, anything, I would have wanted my mom to give me an little brother. One day my cousins adopted an cute little girl. I hate my cousins, by the way. They have way too many kids and they always smell like pee and baby puke. Once I saw Jonicia (The oldest, who is an judgmental bratt) hold a baby, the babby puked and she rubbed it into the carpet. EWW! Anyway, …show more content…

I spent an entire day in my cabin feeling sick and eating ginger. The next day, I grew my sea legs, and was able to do some fun. There was resturants, pools, stores, art galleries, all kinds of stuff I was missing out on. I went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast the next morning, I got myself some bacon, pancakes, and ice cream. The people who worked there were all from foreign countries, so they rarely ever spoke any english. They mostly stood outside doors with hand sanitizer saying, “Washy, washy!”
After breakfast I went to my cabin with Z and we got changed into our swimming suits and we went to the swimming pool. It kinda sucked. It was a salt water pool, so when the waves rocked the boat the salt water rolled toward me in a wave and I had the taste of saltwater in my mouth.

LIfe was great. There was a lot of stuff that made me happy but i 'm gunna have to say that my favorite thing was the food. Mmmm. When I walked in every morning the smell of sausage, bacon and fried bread hit me like an hammer. But it was an good kind of hammer like a cloud hammer. I guess. Anyway, the chairs were gorgeous, and the tables were marble. The tables were set in rows. Each table on the outside of the row. Had an window, so you could look at the beautiful ocean, see all the shades of blues and deep purples.
After breakfast, Z and I would walk the track that goes around the ship. The wind was so loud wae could barely hear

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