
My Son Monologue

Decent Essays

Dear Lord, my son did not mean what he said. He is but a mere child. He is not yet ready to understand your power. Your love. The suffering you endure every day so that we can live a happy life. He’s a good child. He’s been led astray from your will. Please do not sentence him for punishment, for I will work tirelessly to ensure he begins to understand. Of course, it will take him a long time to get over the black woman, but with your love, and your guidance, I know he can. He’s six years old now, far too big for a nanny. Besides, the black woman was possessed by the devil. I could not allow her to stay here. To be allowed to stand on your holy ground and be treated as an equal. Had she removed her charms and amulets, and agreed to abide by your laws, I’m sure none of this would have happened. But yet, I’m sure you have everything planned out. Thank you, my Lord. Amen. …show more content…

All those days of slowly crumbling before him finally took their toll. I’m still unsure as to whether or not he saw the panic attack, I do hope he didn’t. Seeing his mother like that would have scarred him for life. I wish I could know for sure that he didn’t, but the Lord has not granted me permission to view the past. All I have is memories of clutching my throbbing chest, and trying helplessly to suck air into my burning lungs. Despite the Lord’s command, I still haven’t found it in my heart to truly forgive my father for sending me to the nut house instead of providing me with the comfort and love I so desperately needed. My punishment was not done, however, as I grew distant from my son. I refused contact with him, and allowed his nanny to raise him as her own. Does this mean I am to blame for my son’s sins? Father in Heaven, I need guidance. I don’t know what to do with these memories, I’m trying to hold back my emotions, but I don’t think I can do it for much longer. I need your help, my Lord. Deliver me from this

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