
My Song Of Choice (Make Me Wanna Holler) By Marvin Gaye

Satisfactory Essays

My song of choice is Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) by Marvin Gaye. The song was written about inflation, financial, and tax troubles by most people within the inner cities. The song was written in the early 1970’s but it is still true to see people struggle with the same problems. He references how money is made but before it’s seen it’s taken, this is referring to how a person’s pay check is mostly consumed by taxes. Every day tax payers are the ones who earn a working wage to provide for themselves and their families. We the people are taxed in various ways not just through our paychecks but also when making purchases: food, clothing, some utilities, and we can continue naming more. Then further in the song Gaye writes: ‘inflation

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