
My True Identity Essay

Decent Essays

Well, what do you know? Turns out I was quite competent after all, despite your disdain. Aren’t you curious about what I have been up to ever since I ran away? A few years ago, I had enlisted into the Union Army to fight for my country, and here I am, still alive and writing to you today. You were mistaken, seeing that regardless of my gender, I was able to successfully accomplish just as much as a man could, and possibly much more. So what if I was born a female? I am a strong and independent individual, to which you held me back when it came to fulfilling my potential and doing what I believe in doing. Not once, had my sex stopped me in the midst of making my decisions and kept me from certain opportunities, and I have been able to …show more content…

This benefitted to my advantage later when I became a Union spy. I had multiple masquerades for certain missions that were efficient and allowed me to obtain useful information that contributed to my side’s victory. Why, the number of identities I had were innumerable! Bridget O’Shea, Charles Mayberry, a contraband, a Kentucky butternut, and my personal favorite: Cuff the skinny, spunky slave. Yes, not only did I have the guts to volunteer for a role most men refused, but I went behind rebel lines and skillfully acquired everything that I would be required to get for all the missions assigned. The funny thing is, my leading officers would describe me as “the man for the job, with brains and a backbone”, when you thought the exact opposite. In a way, you weren’t wrong. I was a woman after all, but the fact that I could be thought of as a man, highly thought of in fact, practically disproves everything you had accused me of. I had achieved a lot in only 4 years, many of which I and my adopted country are proud of.
Though I am different, I, and women in general, are equal to men. In fact, after my malaria was treated, I was awarded an honorable discharge as well as a veteran’s pension of 12 dollars a month. That is not something most men are capable of, and if we’re going off of your perspective of me, then I believe I can speak for the both of us when I say, I am verily proud of what I have done. Though this isn’t a moment I’m proud of, I

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