
My View On God 's God

Satisfactory Essays

My view on God is that he is the reason we are all here today. I, myself, do believe that there is a God and one God only. The bible isn’t the only reason I believe in him. I truly believe that the way we view god is very important. Our views on God indicates on how we live our lives. In fact, it might even determine how we go on and live our lives. For example, most Christians (not all) are religious and do their best to go on in life without committing any sins. And if a sin is committed, we pray that God takes those sins away and clears our heart up again. And if you look at a non-believer in god, for example some atheists (again, not all) go on in life not thinking if their actions are considered sins or not. I will make the following …show more content…

So I can go ahead and prove it to the best of my ability. I believe that evidence to God is all around us. Seeing him work right in your own life proves much more than words can even explain. When I 'm struggling in life, I ask God to fulfill me with more positivity and to help me get through whatever I am going through. And truly within days, those hard times don 't even matter anymore. I started to learn that through the hardest of times, Jesus was there for me, and he would take care of me. There are times in everyone life that they are tested. God will test your faith and ask you to stay strong. Even through all of the hard times you will have God on your side, and he will not let you get away from him so easily. Through all things god will be there, and he is much more powerful than the devil so you shouldn 't give the devil the power knowing it isn’t his. So a very known question is "Is there such a God?" . It is solved by asking another question like, "Where did everything come from?" Where did space, time, matter, energy and information come from? People believe that there is no truly evidence showing that there is. We each have our own points of views on God. Something must have caused the universe to exist, right? Every event has a cause. Who designed everything that exists? Someone must’ve designed it all, right? Nothing can come into existence unless something caused it to. Nothing comes

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