
My Worst Betrayals

Decent Essays

Dearest Wegg, this isn’t a letter about how much I loath life, or my worst experience so far; but to talk about my worst betrayal. Not only for me, but for my dad and sisters and how it’s affected us so far. I’ll give a brief summary of some events that occured before the “big one” happened. Me, my sisters, and dad all lived with this wonderful woman, Gretchen. She was the best mother figure we’ve had. Not only did she care about us unconditionally, she also loved and worried about us the same way. I’ve never been happier and more content in my life, then when I was there. I was in a nice house, in Sherwood, with amazing neighbors close to the school. Every night we sat down and ate dinner at the table, helped clean up, watch some Goldbergs or Modern Family together and do homework. Both of our families had a member who was very ill, with cancer. My grandma Falls, and Gretchen's close cousin Randy. Gretchen left for a week to Hawaii to be with her family, because no one was sure if Randy would make it, considering the cancer in his stomach migrated. While she was gone, my grandma unfortunately passed away in her sleep from pancreas cancer; she sadly had been battling it for a while with no chemo, just pain medicine and regular appointments. My sisters and I were at my moms the weekend this happened, and we found out the news through my mom. My grandma had been a huge support for my family, especially during hardships. She was also super close with my dad. When my dad

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