
My Yayia Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

My Yiayia is a very special person to just about everyone who knows her. She loves to talk about her memories and experiences of when she was younger. During the interview I was able to hear even more wonderful stories from her past. She was in high school during the 1950s, she grew up in a small poor neighborhood with brick streets, one high school, one factory everyone would work out once they graduated highschool, and one drug/grocery store. She remembers there was a soda machine at the drugstore where people from her school went to socialize but she was never allowed to. Her parents were immigrants from Turkey making her cultural background very important in her life, she was very sheltered throughout her school years, and her family's …show more content…

She mentioned most scholarships were given to men, no matter the intelligence of a woman. My yiayia was the first person in her family to attend college as well, it was a huge deal to leave home, and be independant from her tight knit family. During the moments of attending college, and being able to vote it led her to feel like she was changing a woman’s role in society. Unlike most women, especially in her town, she didn't stop pursuing her dreams after high school, she continued her work ethic to become something she knew she always wanted to become. She said, “Women kinda just took the back seat.”, meaning their voice, opinion, and role in society wasn't important at the time. Even in her small town she noticed that the opportunities and privileges that men had weren't available for women unless you had tremendous amounts of money. My yiayia has noticed america changing for the better since she was in highschool, but she mentioned some of the bad aspects as well. I heard her mention how america has changed for the worse, she believes people’s respect has lowered, people aren't willing to work as hard as people did now, and family values has

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