The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator over the years has become an extremely popular test among the average individual and the large business corporations. It fascinately breaks down people’s personality and gives them a rough code for how their brain function and what they are more inclined to do depending on the circumstances. Despite the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator large popularity there are many stipulations and suspicions about the credibility of the test. The two major arguments that are presented in David Pittenger’s article Cautionary comments regarding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are large businesses using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test as a tool to indicate who should be hired for particular jobs and accersey of test results, especially when the individual takes the test again and …show more content…
It was discovered that too often those who would take the test multiple times would get different test results. Clearly this made Pittenger question the accuracy of the test. There is a flaw to his argument though. What Pittenger neglects to take into consideration is that most individual in today’s world are lacking one thing, self reflection. If lacking self reflection individuals will be mostly unaware of their tendencies which will result in inaccurate testing. Longing to be Different Another aspect that Pittenger does not take into consideration is the fact that many people answer the questions on how they wish they were or how others perceive them. This ties directly back into the last point for if people are mostly unaware of themselves of course they would answer and lean towards qualities they wished they possessed or that others projected onto them. There will never be accurate test results and the results will waver if the individual conducting the test does not answer honestly of who they really
The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a test that is designed to look for a psychological preference on how are seen in the world and how they make a decision. In essence allows on to see what kind of leader they are. The MBTI was created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. The way the test works is are you have answered the questions you will receive a 4 letter personality type. This will then correspond with a full breakdown of your personality type. Providing a very useful information. I conducted a version of this test online, in which my results came up to be an INTP. INTP stands for Introverts, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving.
During the month of January, the Mktg 3100 class that I took part in, was given a Myers-Briggs characterization form to fill out. Because the Myers-Briggs results place me into two categories, I shall discuss this response to both ISFJ and ISFP character trait types. This paper will discuss my viewpoints, others viewpoints, and the characteristics on how it might affect the decisions I make with my activities, social, vocational life. The results of this examination were two because of how closely related my answers were to both types. Though this is a good ball-park estimate on what kinds of traits I may have, it is not perfect.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions” (13). It is one of several personality assessments that is popular among modern mental health experts throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that the MBTI is “taken by more than two million people per year and is translated into 16 languages (10). “The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people 's lives” (4).
The two widely used personality assessments, Myers-Briggs Types Indicator and Five Factor model both have their own strengths as well as weaknesses. The two personality assessments together have been shown to have similar outcomes. Costa and McCrea (1989) found a strong relationship between the MBTI intuition and openness on the FFM, showing that the two personality measures do have accuracy as this is what would be the expected outcome. Although the reliability and validity of the MBTI has been criticised for being quite low. People taking the MBTI have to completely honest when doing the test, and the accuracy people rate themselves may not be completely true, leading to a conclusion of low accuracy. Furthermore, the reliability is questioned
I chose the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator topic for my paper because I find it interesting. I have taken the actual Myers-Briggs Test through the career-counseling center on campus, and it gave me a bit of direction in my life. However, I thought it would be more useful to discover the background on it and see how it functions within business. I think using an inventory can tell people a great deal about themselves. Similar to the collection of inventories we have taken in class, they give invaluable insight to the way one works, thinks, and acts. This has basis in my area of study, psychology. I think knowing they way one thinks and communicates can help people reach and expand
Therefore, before writing and speaking to a particular audience in the organization or other social and political field that people usually work closely. We have to understand the audiences as individuals, for instances, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, emphasizes two significant dichotomies to identify ways that people differ. The extraverted types of people are energized by interreacting with other people. On the other hands, the introverted kinds of people focus their attention and get their energy from within. I believe that these two personality traits are essential to the terminate the individual audiences’ preferences, needs, and wants. The organizational culture plays a critical factor in the success of the organization because is the
Companies have started to use personality tests in the past five years so that they can find a potential employee’s strengths and weaknesses. If questions and answers are quite accurate and test is done properly it can help an employer to find more about person’s advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to know because one of the most important points is that most of personality tests help to recognize unqualified candidates. “Although experts warn that many personality assessments don't deliver what they promise, legitimate scientifically validated tests are helping employers evaluate job candidates to select those best suited for particular positions. Other tests are designed to measure intelligence, honesty, management aptitude and other qualities.”
Dan Shen, a professor at Beijing University, provides an insightful critical analysis of the test. He states that “through the interaction of various details in the text, the implied author suggests
Cattell, a younger contributor than Wundt and Galton coined the term “mental tests” and published many psychological journals. Understanding these men’s contributions will give us a better appreciation of the field
Throughout the semester, I have come to learn many individual qualities about myself. However, they were qualities I had secretly already known. Obviously, anybody you meet is going to be confident about how self-aware they may be about themselves, but, only when you sit down and confront your personality you can discover who you really are. In terms of my self-awareness, I am clearly aware of who I am, yet I can be unaware of my tendencies. As a person, I can often loose track of the things I repeatedly say and do. I can further describe this as going somewhere so many times you lose track how you’re getting there. Like the trip from my house to the University of Regina for my 4:00 P.M. Organizational Behaviour Class. I am clearly
The author of this article explains how his wife forced him to take Myers-Brigs type test. As he answered each question with his wife, he notice that there are questions he would answer that his wife thought was incorrect. He explains his thoughts and experiences while taking the self-assessment test. He disagrees on how the test labels people in organization based on their personality. He explains that curiosity a great way in understanding people. “True understanding comes from not knowing. Real connection comes from not knowing. Brilliant innovation and problem solving comes from not knowing” (Bregman, 2015, par.5). He explains labeling something will diminish the way we get to know a person.
We’ve all had some experience with personality testing in one way or another. Since the beginning of the twentieth century personality testing and psychological assessments have been a staple in the recruitment and selection processes in all manner of position. Be it high level executives down to janitors, no candidate is immune to what has become a trusted and normal practice in recruiting. There is currently a long-standing debate among HR professionals and sociologists alike regarding the effectiveness and relevance of testing and its application in making hiring decisions. In order to understand the effectiveness or lack thereof in regards to personality testing one must take a holistic approach and understand the
The validity of a test if very important, because it can make or break a test. The purpose of a test is to measure something specific. If the test has low validity it is not measuring what it supposed to measure. The Holland codes validity is measured through the different personality types. The test has shown to accurately predict a possible career choice for each participants (O’Connell 1971).
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).
Personality testing and assessment refers to investigate into the features of a person’s aspects of character and psychosomatic make up. This is majorly done in organizations for numerous reasons. As recorded in Frank (2004), the initial making of personality assessment was to aid in easing the process of selecting workers for the army. Since this initial invention, much development has been experienced in personality assessment. This is apparent through the existence of timely mechanisms that have been simply invented to help in individuality assessment. The major tests that are in use up to this century are the five factor models, the MMPI and the MBTI by Meyers that uses Briggs indicators (Harwood, Beutler & Groth-Marnat, 2011).