
Mythology: The Lesser Gods Of Olympus

Satisfactory Essays

Emilia Coronado
Instructor Raab
Honors English 1
July 9, 2017
Mythology: Questions 62-101
The Lesser Gods of Olympus
62. Eros is “the God of Love,” (Hamilton 24).
63. In early stories Eros is only a friend of Aphrodite's, but later becomes “her son” (Hamilton 24).
64. “[Eros] is frequently represented as blindfolded”, this was to represent the metaphor that love is blind (Hamilton 24).
65. Hebe is the Goddess or “was the Goddess of Youth” there is only one story of Hebe about her marriage (Hamilton 24).
66. Hebe was “the daughter of Zeus and Hera.” (Hamilton 24).
67. Hebe often holds the office of “cupbearer to the gods”, although there are times that job is the responsibility of a Trojan prince named Ganymede (Hamilton 24).
68. “Iris was …show more content…

79. Proteus two useful powers were “ the power... of foretelling the future and of changing his shape at will.” (Hamilton 26).
80. “THE NAIADS were… water nymphs” just like the daughters of Nereus (Hamilton 26).
81. The Naiads differed from the Nereids because “They dwelt in brooks and springs and fountains.” (Hamilton 26).
The Underworld:
82. In Hades the mood that exists “is vague,a shadowy place inhabited by shadows.” (Hamilton 26).
83. Hades is set up by rivers for example, “An aged boatman named Charon ferries the souls of the dead across the water to the farther bank, where stands the adamantine gate to Tartarus” (Hamilton 27)
84. The role of the three judges Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus was to “pass sentence and send the wicked to everlasting torment and the good to a place of blessedness” (Hamilton 27).
85. The Furies or The Erinyes “are placed by virgil in the underworld, where they punish evildoers.” (hamilton 27).
86. Dreams come through two gates, but true dreams came through the “one of horn” (Hamilton 27).
The Lesser Gods of Earth:
87. Demeter and Dionysus are “The Goddess of the Com, … and the God of the Vine,” (Hamilton

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