Prioritizing Treatment Using the Core Concepts Once Jaime’s situation has been assessed, a treatment plan will need to be created using the knowledge gained from the assessment. The most immediate treatment issues will be identified and prioritized using the NTCSN Twelve Core Concepts (2016). Core concept five is most poignant for Jaime’s situation. This concept explains that exposure to trauma can “lead to significant changes in [children’s] own protective and risk-taking behavior” and that “even placing children in physically safe circumstances may not be sufficient to alleviate their fears or restore their disrupted sense of safety and security” (NTCSN, 2016). This seems to be the case for Jaime. Her new environment is stable and loving, …show more content…
I have not spoken to Jaime since this call, nor has she called the hotline since. As such, there is no work to summarize with Jaime or her family. I will instead proceed with a hypothetical case of what the next steps would be if I could meet with Jaime on a regular basis. First of all, during my call with Jaime, I asked her if she could agree to stay safe and tell her grandparents about her suicide plan. She was unable to agree to this, and she would not go to the emergency room or call for a welfare check. Once assessing the level of danger, the phone room supervisor decided to call in a welfare check on Jaime. The Twin Falls county sheriff’s office followed up with us and informed that the welfare check ended with Jaime being brought to the emergency room for further evaluation. Typically, this is followed up by an admission into an inpatient behavioral health center. For the purposes of this paper, it will be assumed that Jaime spent about a week in an inpatient behavioral health …show more content…
If this is found to be a feasible option, the social worker should make sure Jaime is fully aware of what to expect while being on the medication, and what it can and cannot do. In conjunction with getting Jaime on medication, office-based emotional regulation skills training should begin. This way, the clinician can start providing Jaime with the knowledge and skills to be able to gain greater awareness of her emotion, understand strategies for its regulation, and help her get on the path to being able to talk about her trauma without experiencing a strong emotional response and engaging in destructive behavior. Jaime’s grandparents will also need to be included in the ER skills training so they can help remind Jaime or talk her through stressful situations. Once Jaime has a good grasp on emotional regulation, she will be able to proceed to the next phase of
"Christie reported that the doctor's laptop would not boot and showed only a black screen with a blinking cursor. Walked Christy through entering the system setup to verify boot settings. Walked her through running the Samsung Recovery feature to restore crucial Windows files. This issue was not resolved. Christy brought the computer to our office. Enabled UEFI boot which allowed the computer to boot into Windows, however, the system encountered a bluescreen and restarted. Booted into safe mode. Used a utility to determine the cause of the bluescreen and found it to be outdated wireless network adapter drivers. Downloaded and installed the latest drivers from the manufacturer, as well as the video adapter drivers. Searched
I review few of the vouchers and what I see is that the providers did the drug test to the patients b/c they are prescribing pain medications or some of the patients coming for F/u on their pain medications refills. I review and study the attachment and I'm not 100% sure if we can use any of these codes for support the CPT code 80300.
Thank you for reaching out to us! There are a couple of approaches for a solution to your issue. The first involves using a higher resolution Clouds Image file; which are included with every FreeFlyer install. The image file locations of Earth textures used in FreeFlyer 2D and 3D models are stored and set via the User Preferences Editor, located in the Options menu. Then under the Display section on the left side of the User Preferences Editor, click Mission View and look at the Celestial Bodies box. Choose Earth from the drop-down box showing Sun, and you'll see the file paths of the various images used for Earth. If you click the “Browse” button next to the Clouds Image Filename a window will appear with additional options for images, where you can select the “earth_clouds_high.jpg” or “earth_clouds_very_high.jpg”. After updating the file path select “OK”, rerun the Mission Plan and the clouds should now generate with a higher resolution.
The Web Developer collaborated with Steve Thomas on the SQL PIV certificates and creating a spreadsheet for tracking when the PIV web certificates need to be renewed.
Because Kerry Grooms inquired about the status of his temporary PIV exception for the SCI/DI site, the Web Developer followed up with Krystal Harne asking passing on his question.
SOW says that both FS 5.6.5 and FS 6.0 should be certified on WAS 8.5 with Java Runtime 1.5.0, as supported by WebSphere (64bit).
As discussed, please work with Richard to upgrade Option C to quantity 16 servers with SFP+ (2 10Gb connectivity and 1GB for iDRaC per node) and 16 MD1400. Also, please verify configuration. Lastly, we need a quote from the networking team (Nexus, SFP+, and cabling).
Rob Pettigrew is the manager of technical systems and help desk center of Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, Wyoming. Protecting networks are getting harder as there are different types of devices being used by companies. An example of this is Wyoming Medical Center has four different classifications of PCs, PCs in the hallways for the staff to use, PCs at the nursing stations, PCs in offices, and PCs on that move between patient rooms. Pettigrew deployed Novell ZenWorks to 850 of the medical centers 900 PCs to ensure each one has the right software. With having multiple applications, medical software systems, and the different machine types, and restrictions make it difficult for Pettigrew to ensure proper protection for the network. Another concern is the
I agree with you on this scenario. Kelly has the years of experience that Jody does not. Sending Kelly to get certified would not only benefit the company she works for but would also give her job security. This type of decision is very hard because this was once a field where there was no certification required and it was day to day learning that made the job possible. I believe that with the ever changing health care system it is going to be a mandate that almost all positions dealing with medical records are going to require some type of certification or degree due to the HIPPA laws.
By using the border, internal and host firewalls, this is what creates defense in depth. Because an attacker must defeat all of these devices in order to get into a company’s network to cause great damage (Boyle & Panko, 2015, pp.
Although no one saw the incident morally I would do the right thing and wait for the owner of the car to come back. I would at least wait for a half an hour to see if the person whose car I hit by accident comes back. If for any reason the person has not come back to their vehicle, I would write down my information and place it in their windshield. Morally I feel that it would not be okay for me to ignore the incident that just happened. I was race in a family that taught me the principle of honesty. They taught me that if we ever do a mistake we have to face the consequences of our mistakes even if it was an accident. Although there was no damage to the car, I would still feel obligated to tell the person about the incident. If the scenario was to be turn around I would of want the person to do the same thing for me.
Transition: Let’s examine the aftermath of trauma on a child and how it affects their present lives and future development.
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Childhood is a time for playdates and learning, a time for big dreams and imaginary adventures. Safety and security should not be questions that linger in uncertainty. However, this is not the case for many children across the globe. Thousands of children from all walks of life each day are faced with unspeakable horror and must deal with the resulting trauma from then on. However, in children, managing this trauma takes a different toll on the mind and heart than it does in adults. While the type of trauma may vary in pervasiveness across countries, trauma occurring in childhood has the ability to cause long term damage to the growing neurological functioning in the brain and negatively influence children’s spiritual development, wounding
There are many types of trauma that can effect an adolescent and without the proper treatment of the traumatic event the adolescent can have difficulty adapting and developing into adulthood. Kathleen J. Moroz, of the Vermont Agency of Human Services, defines trauma as a physical or psychological threat or assault to a child’s physical integrity, sense of self, safety of survival or to the physical safety of another person significant to the child. She goes on to list the types of trauma a child may be exposed to. Abuse of every kind, domestic violence, natural disasters, abandonment, serious illness or an accident are just a few traumatic events that can effect the development of a child. (2) When these events occur as an acute event