
Na Meeting.

Decent Essays

AA/NA Observation Andrea Ross February 15, 2011 Health class For my observation. I attended an NA meeting. It was in Hemet CA, on a Tuesday night. The building was called “Red Dog Group”. I had walked in, and told the lady at the front desk that I was here to sit in on a meeting and observe it for my health class. She said”Of course you can, just wait here for about another 10 minutes and you will go in with everyone.” As I sat there waiting I noticed there were about 7 people waiting for the meeting to start. There was a movie playing on the T.V. The front offices were blocked off with plastic, …show more content…

He had got caught for someone else’s bad of marijuana. So he has to take these classes. But he says he is glad he doesn’t smoke and never will because of what he went threw. And he said he will choose his friends wisely. That is how he is improving his life. There was one particular girl in there that really caught my attention. This woman was addicted to Methamphetamines for about 3 years. To improve her life, she is now starting to meditate. She is staying active in her daily duties, so is also seeing a therapist about twice a week. She is also going to the gym, staying proactive. She said she started going to the gym, which she hasn’t been there for 5 years she claims. She is eating healthier, and taking care of herself. She has one job, and is on the verge of seeking another job. Bills are tough she said. The instructor told her how happy she was for her, and is glad she took a big step to improve her life, and is keeping to her goals in life. We all gave advice to each other, especially the people how are going threw the same things together. Everyone gives everyone input. The instructor went on with the meeting asking questions about how else they can improve their lives. One guys shouted “Not to do drugs”. Of course that’s a good way to improve your life, stay away from those drugs. They will do nothing but bad for you and your body, and your mind. They mess up your

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