
Nahco3 Powder Experiment

Satisfactory Essays

First of all 0.25 g of NaHco3 powder is taken and poured into a beaker then water is added until it reaches 100ml. using a stirring rod the powder is dissolved in the water resulting in having 0.25% of NaHco3 solution. The solution is then poured into a measuring cylinder slowly so it won’t be more than 100cc. The plant is being held using a pipette which is filled with water at 0.98 cm3 max so it can help us see the change in volume because when bubbles are released from the plant they go all the way up to the pipette and every time they surface volume decreases because air replaces the water. The pipette itself is held by a Screw clamp on the Ring stand. The plant is submerged into the measuring cylinder which is filled with NaHco3 solution.

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