
Name: Subodh Dhakal,. Id: 3165772,. History # 1301,. Section:

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NAME: SUBODH DHAKAL, ID: 3165772, HISTORY # 1301, SECTION: 23004. ROAD TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The way to the American task reflected to the timetable of occasions that occurred in 1763 and finished in 1775, resulting the progressive war 1775. That included the, "announcement of 1763, The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, The Declaration Act, The Quartering Act, The Townshend Act, The Commitment of Correspondence, The Boston Tea Party, The Intolerable Act and finally The Continental Congress." The Great Britain passed the pronouncement of 1763 that was needed to soothe the neighborhood Indians by blundering the westward expansion by explorer while raising the repaying conceal trade. The pioneer in the collected states felt that the …show more content…

After the tea was discarded in Boston by the colonists, Intolerable Act was the next step that British took. This Law was premeditated to specially harm those who were involved in Boston Tea party. Again, these were prohibited by the colonial people and they started forming their own troops, resulting a war in Lexington and concord in April 1775. Consequently, after all these incident, independence was declared and revolutionary war was started. The first British retort to the continental development in the American Colonial is identified as Virtual Representation. The virtual representation itemized that the fellow of parliament which consist of the lords and the crown- in parliament, have right to speak for those subjects in which British are showing their interest on. The congress requested for the representation in parliament in Suffolk revolves, which is also called as the first olive branch petition. The Colonies excluded the evidence which was appealed by parliament that the members were of colonist minded. The British state was given permission to rob the colonist by the virtual representation. The virtual representation was idealized to solve the ongoing conflict between the American colonist and the Great Britain. But also, was in favor of The Britain which was not easy to digest for the American colonist. Furthermore, the parliament also refused to accept the criticism that virtual representation was not valid as

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