
Nancy Had Dealt With Stress On All Different Kinds Of Levels.

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Nancy had dealt with stress on all different kinds of levels. The most obvious for majority of people. Work and her family. Nancy had a fear that of losing her job that gave her much to stress over. She also always wanted to try and help and do what she can for everyone, and with this desire had come stress as well. To top it off, Nancy’s mother who has fallen terminally ill and is now living with Nancy so she can look after her, is a very tough job and a lot to deal with. Although she has a good relationship with her daughter and she is busy with her own life, she is living at home and not offering any assistance to help Nancy in any way; this can also be causing stress to Nancy being that she does need the help but not want to ask her …show more content…

When brining positive psychology to the picture it based off of the beliefs that people desire to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, to enrich the best in oneself, and to improve their experience of love work and overall life. There are three major areas of positive psychology: positive institutions, health emotions, and better individual traits. Health emotions deal with being content with the past, current tough situations you are dealing with, and happiness in present day and hope for your future. For any person, all of the difficult experiences we go through have a direct effect on our present day and the future and this is exactly what is taking place within this case study. Sad and difficult issues have a direct link to person’s emotions; people won’t have stability in their lives which in return they can then isolate themselves or even become a difficult person to deal with. .

This case study seeks to find the connection between the occurrences and psychological situation. It implies that distressing issues and experiences can affect a person’s attitude and emotion’s/feelings. Potentially the best way to lessen the effects of unfortunate and strenuous experiences is by changing the contrary behavior that prevents the person from moving forward with a healthy psychological life. The research gathered in this case study shows how knowledge learned could be used in

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