
Napoleon's Abuse Of Power In Macbeth

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Napoleon uses fear to achieve and maintain control of all the other animals. Napoleon takes Jessie and Bluebell’s nine newborn puppies and had them secretly trained in a loft to eventually become his security guards. The dogs were only loyal to him and obeyed his signals. Snowball was the first to show a difference in opinion with Napoleon with regards to building a windmill. When Napoleon realized the other animals were going to vote in favor of the windmill Napoleon summoned the dogs and they came running and chased Snowball off the farm in fear for his life. A few days later Napoleon’s dogs drag four pigs out in front of all the other animals because they had opposed Sunday meetings. The pigs confess that they collaborated with …show more content…

Macbeth’s desire to become King begins with the three witches. The witches predict Macbeth to be King and his friend Banquo to produce kings. Macbeth is seduced by the thought of being King so much that he decides to kill King Duncan. Macbeth is completely aware of his wrongdoing. “I have no spur/To prick the sides of my intent, but only/Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself/and falls on the other” (Act I, Scene VII, page 16). He realizes there is no justification for the crime. He states reasons for not killing him but his drive for power feeds his ambition to kill Duncan anyway. This leads Macbeth to continue to make mistakes and has Banquo killed. Macbeth sees Banquo as a threat to his legacy from fear that Banquo’s sons will overthrow him. Macbeth wants to kill all possible threats to him being King. He becomes paranoid that Banquo may want him dead so that his son’s can become King. Macbeth manipulates two murderers he has hired that Banquo has done them both wrong. His ambition for power lacks all morals and Macbeth reached a point where it was hard for him to cease such horrible actions. “For mine own good/All causes shall give way: I am in blood/Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more,/Returning were as tedious as go o’er” (Act III, Scene IV, page …show more content…

Macbeth was a victim of manipulation by both Lady Macbeth and the Witches. Lady Macbeth belittles her husband and wants him to prove his manhood by murdering Duncan. Every time Macbeth shows any signs of compassion or weakness Lady Macbeth says that he is less of a man. She controls him by saying he will be more of a man by committing murder. The Witches also abuse Macbeth by making him believe he was to be King. Macbeth did not have a mind of his own to control his horrible acts. He allowed the women to control his fate. He was blinded by his greed for power and wanted the prophecies to be

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