
Napoleon's Inhumanity In Animal Farm

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Man’s inhumanity to man may occur for the sake of political gain. In the book Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the pigs represent how men can be inhumane to other men for political gain by gaining the animal's trust and then changing the rules, lying, and doing terrible things just to control all the other animals. Napoleon is an example of this. He threatens the animal with the dogs, chases out Snowball in order to stay in power, manipulates the other animals to believe and support what he says, and forces the animals to do all of the hard work when he does none. Napoleon would do anything to have power over all the animals. He did not want to share power with Snowball. In chapter 5, page 21, Napoleon got rid of Snowball, by sending the ferocious dogs to chase him out of the farm so that he would not come back. This shows that Napoleon would do anything to stay in power, including violent and unfair things like getting rid of snowball in this way. Napoleon had trained the dogs from when they were puppies to do whatever he asked and to protect him, so they easily attacked Snowball. …show more content…

Napoleon uses Squealer to lie to the other animals using propaganda. For example, in chapter 3, page 14, when the animals are mad that only the pigs get the milk and apples, Squealer lies and tells them that the pigs must have the apples and milk because they do the brainwork. He also tells them that the pigs do not really like the milk, but they eat it to help the other animals. Squealer uses fear propaganda to keep the other animals in line. On page 14, he tells the animals that breaking the rules and questioning the pigs will bring Jones

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