
Narcissism Among Teenagers 's Song Of Narcissism

Decent Essays


In this 21 century as the technology and internet have developed time by time, many things are happening. People are now can share any of their thoughts and idea on social media without filter. One phenomenon that is popular nowadays is narcissism among teenagers. They express their narcissistic through social media. It can take the simplest form as a status on Facebook or a photo, but also the weirdest thing as obsession over followers on Instagram which we are going to see further about it.

As far as I know, there is a myth in Greek about something that I want to talk about in this essay that is narcissism. It began when a prominent figure named Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection on the water and then he got curse. He fell in to the water and turned into a flower that people named after him, Narcissus. This story symbolizes over selfishness for love to himself that now happens to many people around the world. After so many years the word ‘Narcissus’ has been adopted into the term that today we all know ‘Narcissism’.

Some psychiatrists define narcissism as mental disorder. There are a lot of books that talk about that, for the example is On Narcissism: An Introduction written by Sigmund Freud on 1914. For me narcissism is not a mental disorder, because we all have the narcissistic in ourselves as human nature. Perhaps we just do not know how to express it wisely in a

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