
Sheila Mant: A Short Story

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Everyday I swam laps around a pond and did anything I could to seem cool as long as I was in her view. Sheila Mant that is she is the most beautiful girl ever she is in a big family she is the middle daughter she is older than me. I am only fourteen and she is seventeen but I have had such a big crush on her for a long time. It was a great day and I was watching stalking shelia from the forest and she was playing baseball. I yelled something as I left the forest as i started towards her, I approached Sheila on a summer afternoon and asked her if she had a date to the dance. She said no so I asked if she wanted to go with me. She thought for a minute and said sure. I said I would pick her up later in canoe.
I worked hard all day polishing and cleaning up the canoe I polished and cleaned it out. I worked until I fixed it up with pillows for her to sit on and it was time to go. I loaded my fishing stuff in the back near me and cast out my pole and got into the canoe. I was so impatient that I quickly jumed in my canoe and put it in the river. I was off heading down stream to her house I was so nervous. As i got to her house and she approached the canoe, she stopped and said are you sure you don't want to take my dad's car. I quickly said no and she climbed in off we went on that beautiful night. It was all I imaged and more.

I can't believe how amazing she looked! I thought I was falling in a deep trance of love filled air. She looked stunning in her dress she sat and

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