
Narrative Essay About Halloween

Decent Essays

As I was walking back from school with my friends, Will and Alex, we were talking about what we were going to do tonight for Halloween. The teachers seem to be really concerned about us, telling us not to go by ourselves but rather go in big groups or with our parents for trick or treating, like were 13, we can handle ourselves. Mr. Robert our history teacher was telling all the kids that he hates Halloween because it symbolizes the devil and demons. He was yelling at another student, I forgot her name but she was saying that she was going to dress up as the devil and try to summon other demons he was not having it, he kicked her out immediately. As she was leaving she said something weird speaking gibberish something like “Ligandum eos …show more content…

He had thrown it as far as he could and it landed in the forest and down the hill. We only had one choice but to go down and find my limited edition football. It was getting pretty dark so we had to be quick. Will brought some flashlights for us to use, we asked him why he had them and he said he's afraid to walk in the dark alone. Alex and I just started laughing at the ridiculousness of way just said. I told him the last time I was afraid of the dark was when I was five. It was my first time sleeping without a night-light and I thought there was something in my closet. I kept on crying and crying until my mom came in and showed me that there was nothing there, ever since that I've never been afraid of the dark. We started to descend the hill to search for the ball it was fall however, there were so many piles of leaves that resembled the ball. It would have been hard to find it. At this time it was getting pretty dark so we turned on the flashlights to get a better look. I told my friends they have to stay with me or else they would reach out to giving me $50 to replace the football. 15 minutes had passed and we were getting tired I said “we can come back tomorrow and look for it then.” They said okay that's fine but how are we going to get out, no one had taken directions so we were lost in the forest just the three of us. So we just guessed which way was out and we started walking in that direction. A couple of minutes had passed and Alex tripped on something, his

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