
Narrative Essay On Bubbles Research Paper

Decent Essays

As a child, one of my favorite activities was going outside on a nice sunny day and blowing bubbles. The best time to do it was early spring; the 40-50º (f) weather seems to reach out and pull you by the hand that time of year. The snow is mostly melted and the sun is no longer a winter sun. The brightness just looks like summer. I would run onto the porch and lift the green wooden top that covers a large croc. Inside I had my my sidewalk chalk and a large jug of bubbles. I remember it's pink exterior and long yellow wand hidden inside. I could spend hours with the bubbles. Most of the time I was reenacting the scene from Cinderella and singing "Sweet Nightingale" while pretending to wash the sidewalks. Bubbles took a break from my life for a few years. I outgrew playing Cinderella and my pink jug of bubbles became empty. I was making new friends and learning new …show more content…

In school I was allowed to take breaks to release my tics, I was given extra homework time, I had a mom that was able to do homework along side of me, and I was not given detention if my homework wasn't finished. At home, I didn't have to do any chores, my mom helped me brush my teeth, take my showers, get dressed, and go out. Even though I needed all this extra help, it is a main reason why I recently went into residential treatment. Deep down I was afraid to leave this safe bubble and return to society. To this day, doing everyday tasks such as cleaning my room, brushing my teeth, putting together my own dinner, and so on, gives me anxiety. Having left residential treatment and returning home, my bubble has been popped. I'm dealing with daily tasks all day, everyday, and am overcoming the anxiety that comes along with it. Soon I will be returning to school, and knowing that there is no bubble to go back to is pretty scary. I think I can handle it. I have the skills, I know the program, and I know that if I keep fighting, one day the anxiety won't be

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