
Narrative Essay On Identity

Decent Essays

I felt a lot better after locking all the thoughts behind. Eventually, I forgot about them because I was too busy studying with my school works. I moved to the United States with my family during seventh grade. At this point, these thoughts were completely out of my head. My mind was occupied with learning english and trying to adapt to the new country. I remembered that I wanted to maybe learn about myself and doing some research about my “disease” in order to found out what kind of “disease” I am dealing with, but there were too much going on that I have to deal with that I gave up. I started to enroll in school and all I could think about is mastering the english language. It was until my sophomore year during my high school year that I met these three individuals that spark my inner identity. I met two of my best friends from my Vietnamese class and the other individual in my AVID class. I gave each of them their own nickname: PhD, Babyboy, and Jessicat. I then introduce them to each other and we stuck together until now. I guess we all have something in common, something that bind us together because the moment we start talking, it is like grass meet fire. Non-stop conversation would be produce as we shared stories about ourselves. The one common thing we have is that us four all belong to that 2.5 percent that are either homosexual or bisexual. For the first time in my life that I felt safe; I felt fit in. There are …show more content…

It is hard because I know my parents will be hurt, but I am crossing my finger that will eventually accept me, and hopefully not kicking me out of the house. I want to be supported by family because I want to be myself when I am at home. I do want to pretend like a different person in front of my family members any longer. I would still be my parents helpful son, a responsible big brother to my siblings no matter what. Nothing will change so please accept me for who I really

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