
Narrative Essay On Life After High School

Decent Essays

It’s not always easy to be the good obedient God-fearing child, although this was highly expected coming from a Judeo-Christian Latin-American family of scholars. Samantha felt the constant pressure of having to be the perfect kid from early on in childhood. She remembered the first time that her views of this were shattered. While she maintained an honor roll status all through kindergarten to second grade, in third grade she finally made friends and at the same time she earned her first C. It seemed that the world around her would be completely destroyed by this letter grade in elementary school. How dare she bring shame into the family, even though her older brother consistently brought lower notes home, and was praised if he earned anywhere near a C. That C was a complete catastrophe. She made friends, she got a C, and she got the crapped spanked out of her. She remember getting a heads up from her father that she would get a spanking for her grades, and remember wearing 7 …show more content…

A bright student and astute thinker by nature afflicted with the flaw of sloth and mediocrity. It was in her early years that this pervasive pattern of irresponsibility began, becoming just a little worse with each year that progressed. Around the age of 11 she got involved with a group of friends that she could have done better without, but being a shy, introverted female did not leave her with many options. With these friends she began to sneak around in order to drink and smoke cigarettes. When hanging out with Milly, Lola, and Pimpo, she always had a good time. She remembered one time they even found Lola’s mother’s gun and were playing with it. What idiots, she thought, playing with guns, as she finally pulled up to the assigned parking spot at her apartment

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