
Narrative Essay On Pro Life

Decent Essays

Crushing the Supreme Court Abortion. One of the scariest words in the english language. Fifty-five million. A number bigger than imaginable. Roe v. Wade, a court case that changed everything. Since that case was first ruled, fifty-five million would be children have been killed. The topic of abortion has always been a powerful driving force in how I live my life. What ignited my passion for life? I was the only unplanned baby in my family, which has always made me feel close to the topic because I could have been one if I hadn’t been in the same environment. I knew that I had to become a symbol for action against the inhumane ideology of abortion and not respecting life as a whole. Opportunely, as I started to investigate what it means to be pro-life, I also got more in touch with my faith and church community, a strong pro-life organization. Getting involved, starting small, I “adopted” a baby; meaning, praying for a baby who was in the care of a mother who was considering an abortion. However small this seems, it is one of the biggest ways to affect change because as, Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan has proclaimed, “Prayer works.” …show more content…

It is about protecting life all the way from the moment of conception, to natural death. It is about standing up and giving back for the betterment of a person’s life. This caused me to to volunteer at food banks, especially St. Al’s, one that works in the heart of Cleveland where help is most needed, where I still attend monthly. More daily, I work to become more chivalrous to the women in my life, making myself available at all times to talk to and challenging myself to become a better listener. I wanted every female in my life to know that she is strong and that I will stand by her through the thick of it, such as unplanned

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