
Narrative Essay On Skiing

Decent Essays

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The moment begins and I forget the frigid temperatures that were causing me slight discomfort earlier as adrenaline pumps through my shivering body. Not only was I shivering from the cold because it was a State meet, but also the fear that crept over me as many racers had fallen on this challenging course. Our top skier had already been injured on this course minutes prior, which only left me feeling more questionable if I could successfully complete states this year. I kept thinking focus, focus on the gates ahead that’s what matters. But, my mind drifted to flashbacks of me priding about never being afraid while skiing. Before this I never really had been and that was saying something after conquering extremely difficult …show more content…

Conditions were frightening to all skiers due to the lack of snow, but even the best of the best were being tripped up on the course. I knew where the trouble spots would be, but I just kept telling myself, “I can do this.” Nailing the combination gate I kept on skiing. But the next turn had me feeling as though I was a speed skater with skis on instead of skates. I “gritted my teeth”, as my coach would say and survived the gate. Quickly, the next gate approached a seemingly simple combination gate, but clipping the gate I fell flat on my chest as though I was a kid belly smacking into a pool. I felt as though the wind was knocked out of me and could no longer speak to tell the course inspectors I would be continuing. I knew I had little time before the next competitor would approach me. I had a choice. A decision, do I stay paralyzed in fear or use that as motivation to beat the course? I threw on my ski as I instantaneously made the decision to push through because I never would want fear to come between me and finishing. I would have let myself and my team down and I fought too hard to make it to states this year and was not about to give up that opportunity. I completed the course, obviously it wasn’t a good time, but I had done it. Little did I know that this fall would teach me more than how to push through a challenging

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