
Narrative Reflection Paper

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Some might think that graduating from high school should be fun but for others graduating was scary. How did you feel on your graduation night? Emotional? Happy? Ready to move on? I know I was, I never felt so many emotions running through me as what I did that night. When I get nervous of new things my legs begin to shake and I can hardly breathe. Having all of these mixed emotions I felt like I was going to pass out. Knowing that I was moving on in life going to college soon, knowing that I more than likely would never see my friends again in person, not waking up every morning to go to marching band to get my podium put together for marching band practice. Yes this was me, I was an emotional young woman that night. As I walked …show more content…

We had the best times in school. We were in band together for years, we ate lunch everyday together, we went to school activities together even when we didn’t want too. Yes we had our ups and downs, with fighting, ignoring each other for a few days at a time to just not speaking at all. But we always found our way back to each other. This was my best friend and I’m glad that I met this person. I don’t know where I would be today if it wasn’t for her. She pushed me into doing things that would help me in the long run. This was my best friend and this was our graduating night together. As everyone sat down after the band had played a sad song for the graduates to listen to before we walked across the stage everyone was asking everyone if they were ready to walk across. When I was asked I didn't know what to say I was in shock because how could I say that I was ready when I couldn't make my mind up if I was ready to leave? The band stops playing and everyone is waiting patiently for the principle to welcome the seniors up to the stage. As one row got up at a time to walk across I heard people from the audience scream for their loved ones and seeing people taking pictures with their flash on. It was like being in the cage with a bunch of monkeys. It was wild. I was in the almost to last row because my last name starts with an "S". It was my rows turn and I was second in our row. We are up to the stage. My heart is

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