
Narrative Voice In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James

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A simple fact of literature is that a story simply cannot be told without the presence of a nar-rator. This textual voice literally narrates the story and therefore wields the power to influ-ence it in many ways. Sometimes, it is not what the narrator reveals that is important, but what is left out. Writers can use the different aspects of narration to make their point more efficiently and it is therefore an obvious focus point when it comes to interpreting a text. Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw has for several reasons been in literary critics’ spotlight and this essay focuses on the changes in narrative voice taking place in the introduction along with the first three chapters of the story with some final comments on their relation to …show more content…

We get no comments from the original narrative voice whatsoever and the story being told is left solely to the reader to interpret since the whole novella ends inside the frame of the creepy story being told. This leaves many questions unanswered and is unor-dinary for any novella at the very least. The unsettling events of the tale, however, ask the obvious question of whether the reader can truly trust the woman’s letters as factual. Perhaps, she was merely imagining everything. The possibility of an unstable mind cannot be left out and this damages her credibility as a narrator. In addition, since the transcript of the story has travelled through several hands, it can have been altered. This seems unlikely, though, since the transcript surely would have been affected by Douglas’ knowledge of both prior and sub-sequent events that would have given the story an almost omniscient narrator which it far from has. It faithfully remains restricted to the governess’ point of view. She, however, tells the events as she recalls them, not as they occur, and even though the original first person narrator seems to know the manuscript’s recipient, we actually do not know whether we can trust him either. Really, the novella as a whole taunts the reader with uncertainness in both the story’s events but also truly through its

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