The purpose of Nasogastric & Gastrostomy Route is that it is medication given through a tube because the patient is unable to take medication by mouth. Some advantages are medications are administered and it removes gastric secretions. Some disadvantages are they can't take anything by mouth and it is a surgical procedure.
Using an orogastric tube is generally a safe, cheap, and simple procedure as long as it is done correctly. You would need a stomach tube in order to administer medication or food to an inappetent patient. It can also be used when a pet needs decompression or removal of gastric contents. Another use would be to administer radiographic contrast media for stomach of intestinal contrast radiography also known as a barium series.
A gastric bypass weight loss program is for those who are recuperating from gastric bypass surgery to assist them to heal and alter bad eating habits. Gastric bypass surgery is among several weight-loss surgical procedures presently carried out. The operation itself has gone through several modifications through the years. The process being used today is known as the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. It should not be mistaken with other weight-loss surgical procedures, like the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, that is a more aggressive surgery. Your physician or perhaps a registered dietitian will talk to you concerning the diet you will need to follow after surgery, explaining what kinds
The Medicines Act 1968, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments), the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments), the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), COSHH, the Mental Capacity Act (2005) the Access to health records Act (1990), the Data Protection Act (1998) plus equality legislation.
I had been nauseous for months. The nausea came in waves and would strike without warning. My focus shifted from school and friends towards the fear of this omnipresent pathology, and fear of when it would present itself and how powerful it would be, dominated my life. My parents took me to see multiple physicians. After trips to my pediatrician and to the ER, we still had no answers, no way to solve the problem. A visit to the gastroenterologist finally yielded an unexpected answer. I was referred to a psychiatrist, the gastroenterologist believed that my condition was a result of anxiety. A few weeks after an appointment with my psychiatrist and being put on anxiety medication, the nausea was gone, my thoughts were no longer dominated by
Ever started gaining weight at age 10 after her mother died. She tried all sorts of diets and nothing seemed to work. After breaking a chair at a school assembly and a talk with her step-sister Brielle, Ever decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery. Some reasons for this surgery was to try out for the school play and to land a date to the school dance. A couple weeks after her surgery, she started losing a great amount of weight, but she couldn’t eat as much so she became famished all the time. People at school soon noticed her weight loss and she became very complacent with herself. Eventually, her outlook on life changed and so did her friendships. Shortly after the school year started, she got engrossed in the “popular” crowd. She soon
internal radiation. In teaching the client about the procedure, the nurse would be most accurate in telling the client A. she 'll be in a private room with unrestricted activities. B. a bowel-cleansing procedure will precede radioactive implantation. C. she 'll be expected to use a bedpan for urination. D. the preferred positioning in bed will be semi-Fowler 's. 14. Before administering a tube feeding to a toddler, which of the following methods should the nurse use to check the placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube? A. Abdominal X-rays. B. Injection of a small amount of air while listening with a stethoscope over the abdominal area. C. A check of the pH of fluid aspirated from the tube. D. Visualization of the measurement mark on the tube made at the time of insertion. 15. While assessing a 2-month-old child 's airway, the nurse finds that the child isn 't breathing. After two unsuccessful attempts to establish an airway, the nurse should A. attempt rescue breaths. B. attempt to reposition the airway a third time. C. administer five back blows. D. attempt to ventilate with a handheld resuscitation bag. 16. Which of the following statements summarizes the underlying principle for the development of a parenbchild relationship? A. The parents to-be had good role models in their
How would it feel if you had open heart surgery awake, with nothing to kill the pain. I chose this career because I have always been interested in medical sciences. I’ve fallen in love with the “dance” that doctors do. Their music, is the heart monitor of the patient on the bed. Their feet are in constant motion, never stopping. When their music becomes spastic, their feet move quicker, more people involved, and the commotion grows. They all come down from a high when their music goes back to normal tempo. A sigh of relief throughout the whole room. By examining issues such as: level of education needed, skills required, salary, benefits, job outlook and availability; and the connection between my career and high school, I
Y.Y. is 71-year-old female born on November 27th in 1944. She was divorced in 1993 and lives on her own. The source of the information stated is Y.Y, who seemed to be a reliable source. Y.Y reports to have no present complaints or illnesses and states she is currently not taking any type of medications.
M is a 17 years old girl who is obese and has mental issues. Due to her school environment, as she was obese, she has developed mental issues such as depression and started smoking. Her parents are embarrassed by her as she is their only daughter. So they want her to undergo a gastric bypass surgery as fast as possible to reduce her weight. Gastric bypass surgery is a surgery to cut part of your stomach and make it smaller. After consulting a doctor, he informs the parents that it is better for her to change her lifestyle rather than having a gastric bypass surgery. In addition, the surgery may leave a scar on the body of the girl and may have some side effects because she smokes. The parents do not care and still want to perform the procedure
There are many reasons a nurse would need courage, even when it comes to implementing a new way of practice to provide excellent patient care. The new practice in question could have multiple studies backing a positive response, but when enacting something that has a relative unknown ending could make anyone feel a little nervous. Speaking for myself we had to enact a new way of cannulation care at my job, my inquisitive nature lead me to ask where I could find the study or regulation to which the new procedure was based. We the nursing staff are to have the patient wash their access upon entry to the clinical floor. Once they are settled in their chair, I am to use one alcohol pad per cannulation site and scrub for 30 seconds. The same procedure
3.) Define each letter in SOAP and discuss where you would look to find the chief complaint. Why would you find it there? S in the SOAP note stands for “subjective”. This is when the patient comes into the office and will tell you how they are feeling and how long these symptoms are lasting. The O in the SOAP note stands for “objective”. This is the actual recordings of temperature, blood pressure, pulse are recorded. The “A” in a SOAP note stands for assessment. This is where the physician will give his diagnosis of the patient. The “P” in the SOAP note stands for plan. This is where the physician will give their plan of treatment of the patient, such as
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI, 2010) accentuated that when looking after a patient during anaesthetic care, the anaesthetic nurse must be competent in any circumstances for the safety of patient. On the case of Mrs D, there was an obvious need to communicate, so the anaesthetic nurse needs to be trained and encouraged appropriately (Mellanby, Podmore and McNarry, 2014). It is evident that the anaesthetic nurse needs to be confident enough when looking after patients to voice any concerns to the assembled team, regardless of how senior or intimidating they may appear (NMC, 2015). The anaesthetic nurse said that she communicated with the anaesthetists during this critical incident. Yet, the anaesthetists
The work of an anesthesiologist is fulfilling with many benefits. A person would desire to become an anesthesiologist because there is a high standard of excellence due to a low percentage of doctors in this special field, not to mention the high salary. This occupation benefits the doctor through a feeling of personal gratification while receiving a great education. The community benefits through his or her help relieving the pain accompanied by surgery. Becoming an anesthesiologist involves extensive education and training, while also having many requirements and a good salary range.
Although post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) has been called the big “little problem” in anesthesia, it remains a major cause of patient dissatisfaction and increased perioperative costs from delayed discharge and unplanned hospital admission. (1-3) Postoperative vomiting occurs in 30% of adults, nausea in 50% and post-discharge nausea and vomiting in 37%, with rates as high as 80% for various subsets of adults. (2, 4) In pediatric patients, the incidence of PONV in children may be underestimated as many younger pediatric patients cannot report the sensation of nausea. (2, 5) In pediatric studies the rate of postoperative vomiting (POV) is therefore used as an endpoint and the incidence of POV is higher in children than adults.
For how long medicine has been around, one would well assume that health care professionals have reached expertise by now on common practices. An example of such common practice would be insertion of a nasogastric tube and unfortunatly expertise of this procedure is not the case. The use of nasogastric tubes can be dated back to the seventh centry and since then an accumulating body of evidence based research has suggested new methods in regards to how to confirm the placement of the feeding tube. (Esther, Tan, & Ang, 2017, p. 189).