
Nathan Brown's Case Against Rape

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Nathan Brown’s Case On August 7, 1997, Nathan Brown was convicted for attempted aggravated rape. On August 7, 1997, in Louisiana the attempted rape of a women occurred in front of Nathan Browns building. A women that was walking to her apartment was attacked by a man that had jumped out from behind her and threw her on to the ground. The attacker went on top of her, “ bit the victim’s neck, ripped her dress open and took her purse” (Nathan Brown. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015.).One of the attackers shoes came off while he was attacking her. The victim was able to fight the attacker back by using the high heels she was already carrying as a weapon. The attacker ran, then got on a bike and rode away. The police came to the crime scene shortly after the crime had occurred because near by neighbors called the police after they heard a women screaming. Nathan Brown was identified as being part of the crime by the apartment security guard. After the women was attacked and spoke to the police she described her attacker as a black male wearing black shorts and no shirt with a very strong body odor. By then the apartment complex security guard was on the scene with the police. After the women describe her attacker she said that her attacker left the scene so he will not be in the apartment complex. According to Purpura, (2014) “a security guard directed deputies to Brown 's apartment, because he had been previously questioned in connection with peeping tom incidents.” The

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