
Nation Within : The History Of The American Occupation

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The final chapters of “Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation” demonstrate little conclusion; however, this may have been conducted with purpose, allowing each reader to form their own conclusion. Except, having a reader form their own conclusion after giving a one sided argument is rather unfair for the parties involved. Understandably, yes Hawaii was a nation conquered, not annexed; but there also must be more to the story. Before reaching the personal conclusion about a one sided story, we shall consider the information provided in the last two chapters. Chapter twenty focused on the Spanish and how Hawaii’s annexation was provoked through war with the Spanish. Roosevelt was desperate for war; meanwhile, McKinley contemplated it, but attempted to avoid war: “McKinley had known war and did not want it. Roosevelt knew nothing about war firsthand, but was entranced by it” (Coffman 294). Demonstrating how past experiences shaped each individual’s solution and perception of how to address problems. While their views differed, McKinley did acknowledge that Roosevelt was right about how the US’ interests in Hawaii should not concern the Japanese. With a little bit of reassurance, Roosevelt began to devise war plans; he avoided the advice of Long, the attorney general, and even purposely waited till Long was out of office to act on certain ambitions. Roosevelt was sneaky, he wanted the war; he wanted the fight and nothing was going to stop him. With these

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