When it comes to leadership the mores experience you have, the high chance of success the team has. National Honors Society is a brilliant program, in which it allows students to take part in programs that have a positive impact on the community. This would help me in the future because with the ability to be a leader I can see what works and what does not. Also with the lessons I learn about leadership I will be able to use it in my future career field. With the experience of being a leader, I can further my career by planning events with museums and exhibits. I will be able to take part in programs that can help out the community. For example I can take part in the can drive, in which food will be donated to the food bank. It may seem
The two defining moments in my scholarly life that define what my character consists of are the months as a coach for the U-9 R.I.S.C. Takers Soccer team as well as my trip to the village of Cuajiniquil, Costa Rica with the National Geographic summer community service program. Both of these instances have taught me valuable life lessons, including my responsibility as a role model for young children, the importance of giving back to our community, and the acceptance of other cultures, practices, and behaviors. This is what make me who I am and a very qualified candidate for the title of National Honor Society Member.
First, I believe that my involvement with the National Junior Honor Society will help me to prepare my future as a leader. John Maxwell once said that “ a leader is one who knows the way,
NHS serves those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. NHS is a great opportunity for students to serve the community. I have plans to improve MHS National Honor Society and make it even better. To make NHS better I would make sure that students get to know everyone and not just stay with their friends, I would make sure that the service projects are helpful to the community, and I would make sure that the activities interest the students into coming.
In order to maintain a membership in the National Honor Society, each individual must follow these principles and guidelines provided by the Belgrade High School National Honor Society. Consequently, in not doing so you will be removed from NHS.
Although I have only been in National Honors Society since last spring, I believe I have nevertheless demonstrated the kind of commitment to the community that NHS members exemplify. Throughout high school, I have been involved in many school-related and independent charitable activities. I have participated for the past three years in the annual Feed My Starving Children food packing event at the high school, one year staying late to seal the 300,000th meal so we could reach our goal. I have volunteered for Osceola Public Library on numerous occasions, and I have also volunteered for the Books for Africa and Operation Christmas charities.
Persuasive, Determined, hard-working, these are some of the many characteristics I possess that will be beneficial to the National Honor Society. I will be a valuable member to National Honor Society because, I have the same morals you posses. I try to always high standards of character such as honesty, courtesy, and compassion. Many things I have done over the past years have given me a set of skills that will be valuable to the National Honor Society for instance, Band, Homecoming activities, and working at the blueberry store tent.
I am honored to be among the many students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I believe that this organization does amazing things not just for the students at Harrison Community Schools but for everyone in the community and the surrounding communities. I hope to be a part of furthering the impressions that this organization has set among the public. I strive to be apart of NHS and the positive changes they inflict on many lives because I have worked hard to get to this point. Leadership, Character and Service have brought me far in life therefore they are my strength to evolve into positive changes that better everyone.
The National Honor Society has been one of the most influential organizations that I have been apart of. My first year as a member, I was intimidated by the projects and sheer amount of work being produced through this group, but as the year evolved I evolved with it. I realized that I could do so much with the National Honor Society and ran for Vice President, one of my best friends being the President. By being apart of the National Honor Society, I have been able to fine tune my leadership skills within two different settings, a full council and a committee meeting. By learning how to engage the participants and delegate tasks to either the strength of the members or skills that they want to develop, we are able to make incredible ideas
I would like to be a member of the National Honor Society because throughout my high school career, I have strived to be a conscientious student, and achieve as much as possible academically. Since my freshman year, I have raised my grade point average to a 96% and joined five clubs. I received the United States Achievement Academy Award for my academic achievement, and I have been appointed co-captain of the fencing team. I plan to continue to improve academically, and in the extra curricular activities I participate in.
FAfter my resignation, I moved to Morenci, AZ where my spouse had started a job 6 months prior. I started on my Associate in Business administration at EAC in Fall of 2013. There were some courses that were difficult, but managed to pull through. I was surprised when I was selected to join the Phi Theta Kappa honor society at EAC. I graduated in May of 2015.
Families and friends gathered to witness 100 students be inducted into the Elgin High School chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) in a ceremony at the school Thursday evening.
I still remember the time in Middle School when I was inducted as a member of NJHS(National Junior Honor Society). It was truly an honor to be accepted such a recognition for my outstanding grades and admirable characters. While receiving the certificate, I looked over to my parents who had big smiles on their face, they were very proud. Being a member of NJHS made me realize I play an important role in the community.
I am honored and excited to be writing about how I can support the National Honor Society (NHS). I was first introduced to the NHS, around 10 years of age, by my Uncles awards he proudly displays in his “Man Cave” along with many other academic and leadership awards he had received from Jr. High all the way through College. Of course, he saw me looking over the many ribbons, medals, trophies, pictures and I could continue; however this is not about him and when he saw me looking at them he had no problem coming over and explaining what each award was and how he had received each one. Then we got to the NHS picture, medal & yellow cord. He explained how he was “tapped” into NHS as a Sophomore and he made sure I understood that was not the
Being a leader is a valuable skill, not just for the National Honor Society, but also for life. Leaders must take initiative and make hard decisions, even when it is difficult. I am one of the leaders of a praise team group for my
The best decision I ever made was joining my high schools senior leadership group, the Ethics Forum. As an underclassmen I had always heard of the work that the Ethics Forum does, they put on conferences for thousands of other high school students to gather and discuss leadership and philosophy. I never thought that was something I could do, so I joined hesitantly. However, Ethics Forum has given so much back to me. The opportunities that it gives me, allowing me to take charge show me what I can do and at the end of the conference know that the students who attended the conference, the conference that was possible because of my actions, are leaving knowing how to be a better leader. This is something that they will take back to their communities and spread to people all around them, creating even more leaders.