My paper is covering the cultural analysis of Native American People in media today. I feel there is a lot to discuss since the release of REEL INJUN seven years ago. Topics like Dakota Access Pipeline and the lack of media coverage, Adam Sandler's Ridiculous Six and the issues revolving giving dehumanizing names for the Native American actors in the film, the continuation of white washed America - having non Natives play Natives like in Disney's The Lone Ranger, and the wearing of headdresses at raves, etc. My analysis will most drill how cultural appropriation is not honoring Native America.
Every country and nation has they own special festivals and music, and Native American is no exception. First, the native music related many aspects such as ritual, life and work. They like to combine music with dance, and the Native American music always created rich percussion instruments. For example, the hand drum, log drum, water drum and rattle, etc. Powwow is an important festival and ritual for the Native American, and it is a symbol for the tradition culture of Native Indians. Powwow, is a social gathering by the Native American tribes, and they singing and dancing. Powwow is not only a method that the Native American expresses the enthusiasm of the life and peace, but also enhances the sense of identity and cohesion. Hence,
To a Native American, ones heritage can define who an individual is and may become. When America was being populated by Europeans there was an effort to alter the way of life for Native Americans forcing them to adopt new ideas and abandon their traditions. This has led to modern Native Americans feeling like they have lost a large piece of their identity. Native Americans struggle in mainstream society because they have dealt with great trauma and don’t have the tools to help them cope in healthy ways. They have been torn from their homes and heritage, as there was “centuries of forcible removal of Native American children from their homes in order to be assimilated into mainstream American culture” (Wyant). The result of these kinds of actions
We encounter representations of Native Americans everyday and often times are not even aware of the encounters. Native Americans and images that represent them have become somewhat lost within our culture because we do not actively seek them in our observations. I have discovered through my active observations that there are representations of Native peoples all around us that can be discovered if we just pay attention and look a little closer.
In the Lakota language, “wicozani” is a word that means wealth by living a happy and well balanced life with a physical and mental well-being in conformity with creation. In order to fulfill a life of prosperity and euphoria, it is crucial to be a well-behaved, humane person. In the Native American culture, being an impish, untrustworthy being goes against everything they believe in. One of the most meaningful values to the Native Americans is honesty. One of the most condemned traits is disrespect.
This essay will analyze Native American societies for world view and cultural and institutional differentiation. In so doing, we will discuss the possibilities or the lack of endogenously generated social change within American Indian societies and cultures. Mainly this essay will concentrate on two important aspects of world view that contribute to conservatism in Native American cultures. The two aspects are as follows, holistic Native American beliefs versus dualistic world views, and in so discussing we will illuminate the reader’s knowledge about the differences in views of purity and salvation. The second important aspect is that of the economic ethic: American Capitalism versus Native American subsistence labor
The American Indian is a very unique and integral part of Amreican history,with a very rich and beautiful cultural background.There are over 558 federally recognized tribes in America right now,and another 126 who have applied for federal recognition.At the time of first contact with Europeans, the United states was fully occupied by Indian Nations and some 300 Indian languages existed,approximately 106 of which are still spoken.The diversity and hetrogeneity of the American Indian community cannot be overstated.
Native American culture originated in some parts North America. These countries are known as the United States of America and some parts of Canada. In the United States, there are 6.6 million Native Americans, which form about 2.0 percent of the population (Bureau, 2016). Europe had realized there were about 50 million people already living the “new world” and these people were called Native Americans. Native Americans were originally called Indians, but later through history they formed a new name. These people were called this because of them being native to the “new world” and the American part came after the colonist named the United States. Throughout history, Native Americans believed that using raw material in nature was the best way to provide for their people. Their culture thought no part of an animal should go to waste. They would eat the meat, use the skin for clothing, and make jewelry from the bones. Over the years a lot of their culture and customs were lost due to conforming with society. Their languages were referred to as “Indigenous Languages” because of them being extremely complicated and diverse. Some important factors that help understand the foundation of Native American culture are their rituals/practices, death ceremonies, holidays, family, and stereotypes.
Every culture is different. From different countries, to different states, to different cities to different families. From a very young age each person establishes a culture of their own, revolving around beliefs, traditions and morals. Growing up, many people attend church with their parents. There, they learn how they ae expected to behave, what holidays they will celebrate, and sometimes that is where they make their first set of friends. When someone moves to a new place where they are expected to change their culture, the transition can be very difficult. For example, if someone attends the same church for the first ten years of their life, but then ends up switching due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as a parent getting deployed,
Over centuries from when the first Europeans arrived to the Americas, the Native American populations have drastically decreased. The diminishing population of Native Americans is a crucial warning that the culture will potentially go extinct. However, many individuals have taken efforts to preserve their traditions and keep them alive during the future generations. Here are some inspiring Native American women who strive to maintain their native language and culture in this rapid era of digital reliance and social media.
My experience is a bit different compared to other minority group experiences because I am a Caucasian American with Hispanic from Central America. People from a minority of Native American, African American, Muslim American, Chinese/Japanese American, and Jewish American would all have a complete unalike experience compared to me. Central Americans and Vietnamese Americans I feel it is rare for these two cultures to come together and that is what makes my experience so unique to the situation. A similarity and the only similarity I could find between Central Americans and Vietnamese Americans is they both immigrated to the United States. Central America immigration has increased significantly and added to the diversity in the United States.
Patricia, great post. I do think that a culture that needs some attention is the Native American culture. There are many reasons why this culture needs attention from the medical community. Some of the issues that could be covered when seeing the Native American culture are mental health, heart disease, stroke, infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer.
How does the history of the Native American in the U.S. compare with the values that stand at the foundation of the U.S. (freedom, liberty, equality)?
The consequences of colonization of 1942 has left many Americans to forget about the first people who inhabited the lands we now call the United States. Not only has it made us forget, but has dramatically affected Indian Country by the lost of culture, language, families, health, food sources, environment, and their overall traditional ways of living. As indigenous people are restoring what was taken away from them, Indian Country is also battling the disease of alcoholism, drug abuse, mental health, physical abuse, lost of Identity, high rates of suicide, poverty, unemployment and systemic oppression. Not to mention, their rights as Sovereign people.
As we speak and history verifies the very fact of the long-standing planning practices of American Indian that had enabled them to survive through every hurdle placed in the way. Although many Native American societies didn’t have a written language, many tribes were advanced enough and had written history or organized spiritual ceremonies and practices. Many tribes were destroyed and others moved far away from their ancestral home. Since the origin, and till now, American Indians have been able to make their way through each obstacle presented to them. Native Americans, for them most part, respect the unique differences among people. Native American express this by staying out of others’ affairs and verbalizing personal thoughts or opinions only when asked. It is common courtesy and is expected by many Native Americans as an expression of mutual respect. Their worldview can never be one in any case except when it comes to their love of the earth. Their belief about the world is circular where human, animal and nature work together to make reforms and to live peacefully. They have been living with all the things they have and without differentiating between human and animals. The arrival of Europeans created a havoc but with the passage of time, it started cooling down and in agreement with the new worldview they have begun understanding the situation. But the environmental justice is something which they are striving for and have been striving on their own which can be
Have you ever wonder how the world was created from another culture’s perspective? Native Americans used creation myths to explained to their people how the world was developed overtime. Creation myths are a big part of the Native American culture. they have been passed down from generation to generation. In the creation myths, harmony with nature, rituals, and strong social values are shown in each myths. The purpose of having strong social value in these myths is to teach younger Native Americans valuable lesson if they ever do something bad. These myths reveals how the rituals were created and their intentions for doing it. Creation myths has harmony with nature in it to show a very close kinship between them