
Native American Culture Research Paper

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Native American culture has impacted America in many ways. Just some of these ways include agriculture, language, and governmental ideas.

About four hundred years ago, when the pilgrims came to America, they met Squanto. After it became obvious that they were going to struggle to farm, Squanto, a native American who spoke English, taught them all about how to successfully farm in their homeland (Amenlnckx). Without Squanto and his tribe, the Pilgrims would have likely starved that winter. Native American culture is probably best known for its agricultural ideas. The indigenous people of North America have a deep respect and knowledge for the land. They care for every living thing, and believe that everything has a purpose. Not only do they …show more content…

As shown in the Squanto and the Pilgrims story, they have many helpful agricultural ideas. As clearly said above, if the pilgrims did not learn to farm, or at worst not survive, we might not have the same resources of economy.

Not only have the indigenous people of America impacted us agriculturally, but also by increasing our abilities to successfully communicate with others. About 400 years ago when early settlers moved to America they came across Native Americans. When communicating with them they picked up many terms such as animal names, places, and objects. Many states and cities in the U.S. are named after , or are somewhat related to, Native American tribes. Of course, these are relatively important, however, one necessary form of communication used that certainly impacted America was Sign Language. These indigenous people made clear …show more content…

Each Native American tribe, also known as a band or a nation, is practically independent (Gibson). They have their own laws, government, security, and services. This government was strictly democratic, and all of their meetings were open to everyone (Bjornland 50). Many Native American tribal systems were, or are, based on written law. This amazing culture is the earliest surviving governmental tradition in the world that is based on peace (Bjornland 50). Decisions are made by consensus, or a general agreement, and punishments could be death, depending on the seriousness of the conflicts (Bjornland 50). The confederation, a group of magic Americans that worked together for the greater good, was formed due to the fact that the Native Americans were tired of tribal welfare (Bjornland 50). The League of Nations (also known as the confederation) consisted of each nation running its own affairs and acting as a whole when dealing with outsiders. These ideas for a successful government have certainly rubbed off on America. Many people would agree that the United States government is also based on peace. When faced with the choice of war or trying to negotiate peace, America will (most) always choose peace. Without this firm belief in trying to keep the peace, and government, America would be a war country, and could be in

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