
Native American Film Essay

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Native Americans express their voice in films by incorporating their history, culture and traditions for Indigenous purpose. These independent cinema efforts are produced by filmmakers who want to tell a story about their tribes around the world and educate the younger generations. Zacharias Kunuk, filmmaker of Antantarjuat; The Fast Runner and Journals of Knud Rasmussen, “compels non-Inuit spectators to think differently, not only about what constitutes indigenous content in films and more conventional representations of Native Americans in cinematic history, but also about indigenous visual Aesthetics” (Raheji 1168).
Kunuk’s first film, Fast Runner, starts with the camp leader, Kumaglak, in a spiritual battle with an evil shaman that entered the community of Inuit. The senior loses the battle and perishes unexpectedly. Next in line to be the leader of the camp is Tulimaq, but the evil shaman removed the necklace and handed it to his rival Sauri. Once he was chosen, he denied Tulimaq and his family of everything, only receiving portions to barely keep the family of four alive.
As time went on the family fought hard to stay alive. Tulimaq and his wife gave most of their food portions to their two young …show more content…

Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner was based on an Inuit legend of love and revenge. The Journals of Knud Rasmussen shows us the end of shamanism and the arrival of Christianity. If the protagonist of Fast Runner Atanarjuat had been able to react to the Iglulik Christians at the end of The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, he could have provided them with different pieces of advice. From the film Fastrunner, Atanarjuat is the definition of a person who is has indigenous spiritual practices and beliefs. His values do not include having power over people, only respecting and living by Inuit traditions to pass on to future generations. The hero would remind Aua of past Inuit people and to maintain the their history and

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