
Hollister Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

Roses are flowers that are so beautiful to the eye and complimentary to the nose, but once you look past the surface of the flower you notice the thorns that accompany it. These flowers are much like people in a sense that what 's on the outside is what appeals to others, but just like roses people have thorns that may be seen or unseen. The thorns that I bear can often times be seen but what about the thorns that were removed that left a scar on my stem? Those scars molded me into the woman I am today, pushed me to keep persevering, and taught me a lot about myself and the contribution I wanted to be to society. I grew up in a really small town called Hollister, NC that is populated by mainly Native Americans of the Haliwa-Saponi tribe. Being from a small town gives you a way different perspective on things than coming from a big city where everything is so fast pace. The majority of families in my town were interrelated meaning that just about everyone is of kin. By asking the simple question, “who’s your mom and dad?”, we would know the majority of their family members and sometimes even where they live. Being from a Native community, it allowed all of the youth to have an outlet of some sort to participate in with friends and family. We start teaching our youth about our culture, especially dance, from the time they’re able to walk until they’re graduating high school. It was always an outlet for me to be apart of the activities that were available to me simply because

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