
Native American’s, Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Ethnocentrism

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Many races are unjustly victimized, but Native American cultures are more misunderstood and degraded than any other race. College and high school mascots sometimes depict images of Native Americans and have names loosely based on Native American descent, but these are often not based on actual Native American history, so instead of honoring Native Americans, they are being ridiculed. According to the article Warriors Survive Attack, by Cathy Murillo (2009) some “members of the Carpentaria community defended Native American mascot icons as honoring Chumash tradition and the spirit of American Indian Warriors in U.S. history and others claimed that the images were racist stereotypes” (Murillo, 2009). If people do not attempt to understand …show more content…

If people took the opportunity to learn about Native American cultures in school or in his or free time, then people can avoid insulting another person’s culture. Schaefer (2012) states, “discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary reasons” (Schaefer, 2012). Courtland Milloy inquires about discrimination in the article Do the Redskins Need a New Name? by P. J. Orvetti (2011) when he states, “Why is it okay to use “redskins” but not, say “blackskins” or “whiteskins” (Orvetti, 2011)? When I mentioned Milloy’s statement to a peer, she seemed somewhat surprised, because it never occurred to her that “redskins” was an offensive term, she claimed that she only knew this term from its relation to the football team. Although using altered images of Native American may seem relatively harmless, they cause long term effects on a race because people begin to see the race as more of a joke than an actual group of people who have emotions and are worthy of the same rights and respect as any other race. When I was younger, every picture or video I saw of a Native American depicted people adorned in the same feather covered outfit, speaking the same clichéd dialects, and making “howling” or “whooping” noises. For instance, in Walt Disney’s

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