
Native Son Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

In the novel, Native Son written by Richard Wright, protagonist Bigger gained “sight” after he killed a white person, and not just any white person, but the daughter of a millionaire. He put Mary’s lifeless corpse into the family’s furnace and in order for her to fit he chopped her head off. He began to see white people as less and less humane, and that is how Bigger consoled himself. His murder freed his soul and freed his belief that white people restrained his fate—the two concepts that bounded him to his black peers and what would have been his fate. He also murdered his girlfriend Bessy, due to panic and knowing that she’d get him in trouble. He moved compulsively out of fear of the white society that suffocated him. He was no longer …show more content…

Another unfair realization was the six white male jurors. The accused is entitled to be judged by a jury of people from his community. The community includes people of his race. It is unfair to exclude people of his race from the jury because then it would be as if they were not part of the community. During this time period, many white people had a negative few on black people since they were segregated and fearful of …show more content…

On page 336, the cops said to Bigger, “Come on, now, boy. We’ve treated you pretty nice, but we can get tough if we have to, see? It’s up to you! Get over there by that bed and show us how you raped and murdered that girl!” They can’t say he raped or murdered her because the judge had not come to a verdict yet. Bigger declined to show them what happened and was told by the cops that he had to. The police violated his Miranda rights and had coerced him. They can’t force him to say or do something under his

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