
Natural Fruit Juices Should Not Be Allowed In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Schools nationwide are all required to carry nutritious drinks such as, white milk, water, and natural fruit juices. I firmly put myself in a position to object to all who think that white milk, water, and natural fruit juices should not be carried at schools. To begin with, these options are not bad or harmful for students to consume. Also, these three nutritious drinks are three main key parts in adolescent brain development. Finally, by drinking only white milk, water, and natural fruit juices, it can help prevent obesity and provide much needed energy to the students during the extensive school day. As can be seen, I would suggest to all of those who disagree with me on this topic, that they switch sides, and soon. First of all, white milk, water, and natural fruit juices are not full of sugar and carbohydrates. These drink options are all natural and can even be found in organic forms. Some would try to say that fruit juices are loaded with sugar, they would be right. The sugars found in natural fruit juices though are all natural and the human body …show more content…

These drink options give students a good form of energy that sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks cannot offer. Sodas and energy drinks are two of the most unhealthy drink choices that are on the shelf at the grocery store, I do not want them to be a drink option at my school. When drinking an energy drink, the caffeine in the drink turns off the nerve receptors in the brain that regulate the resting periods of a person's day. When a person consumes too much caffeine, they are subject to having a heart attack or stroke, because of the stress that the caffeine puts on the heart and body. As I have stated, if other options were to be added to the drink variety at schools, it could lead to the potential danger of

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