
Natural Selection Vs Bipedalism

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Human beans have always been the most interesting creatures in this world. From how our minds work and how we got all of this physicals parts that makes us up. How we slowly evolve from time to time because of the environment we were put in. It shapes humans dramatically in a positive or negative way. But the real question here is how did we started off from who we are now.
Natural selection happens when an organism has a better adaptation to its environment and is able to pass on its offspring. We humans slowly evolved into bipedalism which means we walk on two legs. We slowly evolved into being a bipedalism because nature forced us to into it. So what’s so special about us that walk on two legs instead of other mammals that usually walk …show more content…

For example would be us humans having a bigger brain then most animals. But our brains don’t grow any bigger than what they are supposed to be because it may be selected out during the process of birth, where giving birth might be a problem. Having a brain that is slightly bigger than most animals, humans are able to have the knowledge to be able to adapt well to the different types of variations of environments they face. If we were to be less knowledgeable, then we would slowly start to extinct. As mentioned in the video Becoming Humans: First step, they talk about how the human brain are slightly bigger than the apes but mainly of all, human brains have more space for the neocortex, our knowledge part of our brain, not like an ape who has less space for the neocortex, instead sharing most of its brain with the vision area. Knowing this tells how humans have a better chance of surviving and less likely to be selected out than an ape. Knowing this shows us how humans were able to survive for such a long …show more content…

We have been facing different environments and somehow our ancestors battle their way through and brought us here today. Humans are one of a kind because they were able to evolve by trying to accommodate to the environment they were in. In the video Becoming Humans: First Step they show how Africa’s environment was all over the chart forcing our ancestors to adapt to multiple environments. They were able to find out this information by looking at the rocks that were left in the area. Rick Potts who is a rock genius was able to clarify that in parts of Africa, where most of our ancestors bones were found, there was a rapidly change in environment happening. It went to wet and dry and they cycle continued. Since there environment was changing too fast. It made it very difficult for them to stay who they were and forced them to start to evolve.

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